Our Answer To Censorship: Introducing ADtv.Watch

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As many have noticed, the means and reasons for censoring information has rapidly increased since the start of the new decade. As this controversy moves towards its final climax, the fingerprints of past persecuting kingdoms are all over the growing public narrative against free speech, something the Papacy has a long held disdain for.

The current trends on the primary social media platforms, who have all shown prior allegiance to the Papacy, present a future in which only a select and approved few voices and viewpoints will be allowed, all else will be deemed harmful, misinformation. As the Bible and the historical record shows, the truth and those who share it are constantly under attack, and for many, the last 24 months have shown that to be more applicable than ever.

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Amazing! Be brave. May God bless you all! Thank you .


What an awesome body of true believers!


This is fantastic news. Thank you and God bless.


Yes! I know that I can trust this channel. Thank you. 🙂


Praise God for ADTV! This is good news!!! ❤


Thank you JESUS!!!! Thank you Amazing Discoveries!


Thankful to God for your ministry of Sharing His everlasting and end-time message to all. The light of TRUTH will always prevail even in the darkest part of our time.


WALTER !!!!———Thank You !!! 🎶💥😌
For a Lifetime of your Public Faith !


Glory the God's Name, we can continue to watch bread of life and present true, congratulations pastor Veith


This is the best ministry, I have watched you for years.


Wonderful, thank you, May God bless you and continue to guide you


Oh Lord! Help us be ready! I enjoy learning, being blessed and uplifted from these my SDA families broadcasting! I pray for your people to have the faith of Jesus that we may have strength to stand in these last days 🙏


Eagerly waiting for the nuance.
And praise the Lord for it. If it is our own Platform about which I have been praying, I couldn't be happier. I don't want to run ahead, but I am thinking along that line of thoughts, hopes, wishes.
If it is not that as yet, praise the Lord anyhow. Bless His holy name.
Blessings in Jesus' name.


So many freedoms slipping away…sad, but a sign of the end.


Just downloaded the app. I'm so excited for this ministry!


This in fantastic! So many amazing videos I hadn't seen, didn't know about, couldn't find !!! I'm so excited to start watching some of these! My only suggestion? Please work on closed caption support. Thank you so much for this service, its going to bring God glory for sure !!


i found total onslaught through censorship if anyone's wondering, which lead me comparing two videos on YouTube and realizing the deception, please bear with me, one day while looking around to find something to quench my desire for the truth, i came across one of prof.walter's episode on secret society in a totally obscured channel, watching it through the end, i'm really content about his presentation almost fullilled part of what i was looking for that i couldn't find in another channel that talks about this things (believe me i tried) and this was made back in 2004 which blew me away.

I then went about my day till sometime later i realize that i need to watch the video back cause he just might have a series for it, but then i couldn't find the channel in question, and so for some strange coincidence, one random video (with a bunch of scene mashed together) happen to have a scene from Total onslaught at the end of it, i then look at the comment section and there it is, prof's name and his series and his channel.

But i still couldn't remember which episode is which, i then look up the series and lo and behold there's 36 episodes of it and all of this was an hour something long.

one particular detail that really bug me while watching that video which lead me to want to rewatch his whole lecture was when he touch upon the sabbath, he didn't really lay everything on the sabbath issue but just mentions the word "sabbath" and that really really intrigue me cause where do you find out of all video in YouTube that talks about sabbath and also exposing secret society at the same time? no! none!!, there might be but certainly not as good as his that's for sure and at the beginning of his video at 6 minutes Mark he talks about Albert pike's morals and dogma and explain luciferian worship within freemasonry.

and i then decide well, i need to watch all of em to find out that exact part that mentions albert pike and i go through all his video until i'm finally at the video which i believe what i was looking for and i watch the whole thing, and... nothing?, ...i struggle to find at what time did he really talk about albert pike cause i believe its at the the start of the video aaand nothing and i was in a dilemma and i figured i need to find that old video at that obscured channel and it could be somewhere on YouTube.

And then i type illuminati and then sort it by playlist, i scroll on forever until i found the video for the second time, i went and compare the video side by side and what do you find? the 6 minutes Mark that talks about Albert pike was completely removed from the official channel, but not on some obscured channel that reuploads his video, i thought to myself well, there must be a website somewhere that had a complete uncensored total onslaught series and look it up and there it is ADTV.WATCH which i highly recommend you guys to go over the sites for uncensored video.

And guys believe me when i said this, God cares about the smallest detail, even with all this happening, that word sabbath and that albert pike's quote lead me to testify against censorship, so GBU for reading this far. thank you


Censorship, Coercion & Control plague the church from its beginning to the end,

Satan ways are blind obedience without any questions allowed,

Christ allows for unlimited questioning

Isaiah 1:18 KJV
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord ..."


Love your production. Bought your materials


You can do nothing against the truth...🙏
