How to Get Rid of Sagging Jowls | Dr. Angela Sturm

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As we age, the fat, muscle, and skin along the jawline descends downward toward the ligament that affixes the skin and the muscle from the corners of the mouth to the jaw bone. As the sagging skin, muscle and fat fold over the ligament, it creates a jowl.

What is the best procedure for sagging jowls?
The best procedure is always a facelift to lift the skin, fat, and muscle in the lower face and neck, lifting it back to where it was to create a youthful defined jawline.

There are a lot of other things that you can do for jowls, such as thread lifts, liquid facelifts and mini facelifts, which are all skin tightening treatments that last for a certain period of time, but nothing really gets rid of jowls better and for a longer period of time than the facelift.

Can I get Botox for jowls?
Botox doesn’t work very well for jowls because Botox relaxes muscles, which works great for wrinkles caused by moving muscles such as those between your brows, in your forehead, and and around your eyes. Since lax muscles already contribute to the formation of the jowl, Botox would have the opposite effect in getting rid of jowls.

Can I get fillers for jowls?
Fillers work well for camouflaging the jowls, by injecting along the jawline, behind the jowl, and in front of the jowl to create the illusion of a straight jawline.This works for a year up to a couple of years, depending on the filler that is used. The jowl is still there, but hidden, and the jawline looks a lot better.

Can I get a jowl lift?
Yes, you can lift the jowls. Most of the time this is called a facelift, an upper facelift, or a mini facelift, depending on what is being done. An upper face lift or a mini facelift is when the cheeks are lifted which in turn will lift small jowls. But if there are larger jowls that extend down into the neck, the best results are achieved by lifting the mid-face and the neck at the same time. That gives the best pull along the jawline to make it look straight and smooth.

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About Dr. Angela Sturm
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Beware - I had a lower face-lift to get rid of jowls and was assured it would last 8 - 10 years and I was back to square one within 4 years. Not happy!


Thank you....I can't tell you how discouraged I've my early 20's I had to go on 40mg of prednisone for 1.5 yrs....I looked like a chipmunk....I knew I'd have trouble w/ my jowls later in I'm 74, having family functions and....I'm so NOT wanting to go....I haven't aged well and thanks to the prednisone, which while it saved my life...ultimately did harm up the road....appreciate your candor....


Finally someone who speaks the truth 🙏🏻 always wondered how Botox can work on an already over relaxed muscle. Although everyone else on here will say Botox is the answer. Ty for this 👌🏻


No threads!!!! Painful and short term for sure.


What about over active muscles on the side of the mouth ? Can Botox be the solution? Due to so active muscles I get marionette lines


What about using kybella to shrink the jowls?


if I got jowls getting Botox on my masseter muscle, will I be left with jowls if I stop grinding and clenching my jaw so the masseter shrinks naturally


Facelift, fillers, facetite, skin lift ??
Botox, dysport, xeomin??
Save ur 🤑 and just get facelift facetite 😊


I think the natural ways are definitely better to get better skin.. First of all stop eating animal products.
Eat more plant based foods.
Eat more fruits and vegetables especially fruits and vegetables that have high water content

Eat more seeds like hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds

Consume more water, coconut water, herbal teas

If your lactose intolerant cut down on dairy products. And substitute with nut milks or soy milk. You can get the unsweetened kind to put in tea and coffee.

If you're a cheese lover, then try to eat plant based cheese or vegan cheese

Up your intake of unsalted nuts especially almonds and cashews. These two nuts are very good for skin.

Eat more turmeric and honey. These are also very very good for skin. You can even make turmeric and honey masks for your face right at home.

Eat more cucumbers. Eat more fresh avocados. Both of these are really good for your skin. You can make homemade masks with them also.

Eat more olive oil, tomatoes, whole olives (both black and green) etc..

Eat more oatmeal. Oat meal is also very good for skin. I would prefer eating the plain oat meal or oatmeal flavored with brown sugar or cinnamon.

Stop eating fast food. Stop eating too much junk food.

Consume more water, coconut water, and herbal teas.
