The BIGGEST PROBLEMS for Jungle Mains in League of Legends - Season 11

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tbh i think riot decided to make rumble a jungler so they can use the phrase "rumble in the jungle"


Jungle these days makes Ryze look like a stable thing


"Gg jg diff, our jungler suck mega ass" said the 0/10/0 vayne adc calmly


That moment when the jungle gets reworked more than Ryze


Jungle honestly is just a pain at the moment with the constant changes on top of a very demanding role, both yourself as a player and your teamates. It's like having to shuffle 3 part time jobs whilst having a full time job. Worst of all is the amount of mental capacity to have the patience of handling 4 people without one of them cracking and breaking the other roles.


As a jungle main for 5 or 6 years I can confirm that I got both frustrated and bored, and eventually quit. Add to that my brother maining ADC and getting punished for playing ezreal every other season. They keep changing things just enough that you have to relearn every route and timing while also potentially nerfing the champ I decided to learn because they are fun to play (Talia, Echo, Qiyanna, Sylas).
It's boring having the rug pulled out from under you every patch. You nailed it, I don't want to have to do homework and practice after every other patch because of changes. It always feels like I'm relearning something basic, so I'm never really comfortable in ranked.


Junglers are always blamed by teammates


I've been playing jg. Only jg since season 9. 3 MAJOR changes have happened.


As someone who only plays the game for Warwick... life kinda sucks right now. They neutered his clears with Tiamat, and while the other mains have kept him around 52% most of them agree he feels bad to play now as you often have to force the snowball early and even then the 200 years champions still beat you when they get their 1 core item.


One of the biggest aspects of being a jungler is adaptability. And i would be fine with the constant shufting if it wasnt the hardest role where you get noticed by all teammates for every mistake you make


I feel like the most difficult thing about jungle is how unforgiving this role is, make one mistake and you are useless for the entire game as your gonna be under level, monsters eaten by the enemy or your own teammates, and when objectives comes everyone just shouted at you for not getting objectives when you are 2 or 3 levels under


As a 5 year jungle main, i can say that Riot are making jungle much easier and less rewarding. Nowadays "jungle differnce" is transforming from skill based to camp clear speed based. I guess to the end of the season jungle role will be transformed to a second support role.

Currently i'm playing mid/adc or mid/top because it's more fun, more skill based and more impactful than jungle.


QOTD: Not really the meta per say, but I'll mention it anyways.

River Shen


So I've been a jungle main since season 2, with Hecarim being my first main and Diana being my 2nd main since release.

You can imagine my elation when my two mains were the two strongest junglers were my two mains!

And I'm sure you could imagine that i might've been disappointed when Hec was nerfed.

But here's the thing.

They change the jungle almost every season. It used to be that junglers were a 2nd support and there were no jungle items. Then they introduced jungle items, they changed the camps. Wraiths became chickens. They added more drakes. Changed the items about 5 more times. Added Herald.

There are so many more changes that happened than what I just said. My point is, the jungle is constantly changing. I am at peace with this. The meta changes for chaotic all the time, Diana and Hec rise and fall in strength. But honestly, the jungle is so vastly different to how it was in season 2 that these changes these days are pretty minor.

And it is annoying for me that the skill difference has been lessened somewhat this patch, but if you're a jungle main long term, you will know that it changes all the time. So you have to focus on fundamentals, the big picture, and then adapt your strategies to the current season.

I think that junglers should expect things to change often. But also shouldn't be too worried. The best thing to do is pick 1 or 2 champs and learn them super thoroughly, perfect your clear speeds and learn how to gank with them so it's make memory. Then once you have this solid base down, the changes affect you less. You know how to adapt your clear, your hands, pathing, build etc based on game state.

Anyway, just my thoughts


My only problem as a jungle main, is my fcking inting bot lane lmao


Been a jungler since season 4 and just had to give up this season. Junglers are just getting more flames this season.


I actually like Jungle because it is always changing. How you approach the game always seems fresh and you can always get creative. As for laners i very quickly get the feeling that i kinda just finished learning and it becomes a somewhat dry grind.


I'm a jungle main, and in my opinion mid laner has a bigger impact on the map than a jungler. No matter how good of a jungler you are, if you don't have lane prio, you are screwed. A mid can roam, help to secure objectives, gank bot/top, and 1v9 late game.


There is 1 change id like to see for the jg that would radicly shift the meta.
Make jg camps harder for laners.
Its brutal that nowadays even a supp can counter jg.
A zed with a pushed lane can steal raptors with just a simple combo.
I cant tell you how many games ive lost to counter jg that doesnt even come from the enemy junglers.
Problem is that with small coordination you cant contest those plays since the other jg can come to the rescue or do another objective or gank. And you better guess the correct play here or else you get flamed.
Tl;Dr make jg harder for laners so they can stop presuring the jg for free.


I am no jungler, and i refuse to play jungle and grief my team, which is perfectly fine. The thing is, when I play normals with five stacks, nobody wants to jungle, even the jungle mains. In low elo and normal games, jungle is often seen as a chore rather than an actual role to main. Im also tired of autofill jungle, like really really tired. I was shocked to know that jungle is the second most popular role, seeing as no one queues for it in my low elo ranked games. If jungle accessibility changes makes people more willing to come back to the jungle and let me lane in peace knowing my jungler isnt autofilled, then I welcome them.
