Vaishnava Janatho Bhajan - Atmananda - Unione Induista Italiana

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Un omaggio alla tradizione devozionale, il bhajan vaishnava janatho. Dedicato ai principi etici e spirituali che ogni essere umano sarebbe tenuto ad osservare per far si che un mondo migliore sia fatto da persone migliori che rispettano gli altri esseri. Questo era uno dei bhajan preferiti da Mahatma Gandhi ji, la coreografia è stata offerta da Atmananda per l'evento dei 151 anni della sua nascita il 2 Ottobre 2020. L'accompagnamento musicale d'eccezione è stato organizzato da Shri Supriyo Dutta, eccellente cantante e maestro di musica indiana.
Con l'augurio che sia cosa gradita a tutti la visione di questo video e soprattutto che possa essere d'ispirazione al Bene!
Atmananda ringrazia i suoi Guru ed insegnanti:
Amma Savitry Nair
Ambika Buch
Shantala Shivalingappa
Vempati Chinna Satyam
Vempati Ravishankar
Amma Meenakshi Devi
Vyjayanthi Kashi
Prateeksha Kashi
Parshwanath Upapadhye
Adithya PV
shambhavi school of dance
upadhye school of dance
CV Chandrasekhar
Homage to a bhajan of devotional tradition, vaishnava janatho. Dedicated to the ethical and spiritual principles that every human being would be required to observe to ensure that a better world is made by better people who respect other beings in everything. Mahatma Gandhi's favorite bhajan ji this choreography was offered by Atmananda for this event 151 years of his birth organising by Italian Hindu Union on 2nd of October. The exceptional musical accompaniment has been organized by Shri Supriyo Dutta, an excellent indian music singer and teacher.
We hope you will enjoy watching this video and above all we hope it can inspire good!
#atmananda #talavidya #Kuchipudi #bharatanatyam
Atmananda thanks her Gurus and teachers:
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Con l'augurio che sia cosa gradita a tutti la visione di questo video e soprattutto che possa essere d'ispirazione al Bene!
Atmananda ringrazia i suoi Guru ed insegnanti:
Amma Savitry Nair
Ambika Buch
Shantala Shivalingappa
Vempati Chinna Satyam
Vempati Ravishankar
Amma Meenakshi Devi
Vyjayanthi Kashi
Prateeksha Kashi
Parshwanath Upapadhye
Adithya PV
shambhavi school of dance
upadhye school of dance
CV Chandrasekhar
Homage to a bhajan of devotional tradition, vaishnava janatho. Dedicated to the ethical and spiritual principles that every human being would be required to observe to ensure that a better world is made by better people who respect other beings in everything. Mahatma Gandhi's favorite bhajan ji this choreography was offered by Atmananda for this event 151 years of his birth organising by Italian Hindu Union on 2nd of October. The exceptional musical accompaniment has been organized by Shri Supriyo Dutta, an excellent indian music singer and teacher.
We hope you will enjoy watching this video and above all we hope it can inspire good!
#atmananda #talavidya #Kuchipudi #bharatanatyam
Atmananda thanks her Gurus and teachers:
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