4th of JULY 2015

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Bonnie and Joel Hoellein
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I live not far from you and Ellie in Lewiston Ut. I watch you all every day/week. I am handicapped and don't get out much so I feel like you guys are my friends. Thank you for brightening my days!


I agree Bonnie... You bring light to me at the end of a long day with my three little children when I'm tired and weary in bed I lie and watch your vlog and it's lovely and I'm thankful I have you in my life to watch and share your life with us!


This vlog brought back so many childhood memories, I teared up so many times. I grew up with two sisters and a brother and it was wonderful being in a family of 6. I look forward to your videos so much, thank you for putting in the time for all of us!


I found Ellie and Jared's channel after searching PCOS, looking for some success stories. I'm 24 and have an almost 3 years old but here in Australia they don't have a lot of education on PCOS. So I began following Ellie and Jared's story and saw your beautiful family on a video and fell in love with you all. I hope that I can have a family as big and beautiful as yours one day. for now I've got my cute little family of 3. Thank you for being open and honest about your life and it's triumphs and struggles.

Sending love from Australia :)


I have seen many vloggers but... There's something in your family and by your family I mean ALL your family!!! I never get tired of watching you :) I just love the way you all are, much love from Mexico!!!


You guys ARE awesome! I started back at work yesterday after having over a year off to raise my youngest and it has been super hard, but knowing that your vlog was waiting for me once the kids were asleep totally made me happy!! big hugs from my family to yours. xx


You have truly been my friend these last 33 weeks as we have gone through our pregnancies together. Thank you for giving us a small part of your dailey lives so that we can all feel blessed and normal when it comes to being a young family raising kids and loving life as it comes! Can't wait to have babies at the same time!


That's how we all feel. Like you're a good friend! I just love your family!
Bonnie, I also feel the same way about when I leave the house I clean before I go! It's just something I was raised to do too.


Bonnie you have no idea how much I enjoy your videos. I really am invested in your life with your family and as a mother! Even seeing you sweep before your little trip inspired me to keep up my house just a little more. The positive impact you have on other people's lives is incredible. Thanks for posting more lately. I'm subscribed to a lot of vloggers but when I see a new video from you in my subscription box you're the first people I watch!!


You are amazing. I wish to have a family like you. Everyone has such great sense of humor. It is awesome to go out on the 4th of July. Love and love to see your videos


When I watch your vids it makes me think about how good and amazing our family's our and when I'm sad it's just a little thing compared to what others go through.i like watching y'all when I'm sad u make me so happy


I just love you guys. I also have four children (2 months today, 2yrs, 4yrs, & 6yrs). My oldest is a girl (Aliya) and she definately mothers my 2 & 4 yr old boys (Jordan and J), and my 4 yr old boy (J) is a whiner like you say that Cody is. Also my husband works hard and is manly like yours and I have the same insecurities with gaining weight during pregnancy as you. I just feel like i am looking in the mirror when I watch you guys videos. I love your entire family ... but your household in particular is super relatable to me. Great family, always brings a smile to my face! Can't wait to see the new baby, and I wish you and your family happiness, love, success, peace, & prosperity!


Olivia saying "do you want to go to bed??" when she was trying to get Boston to talk was the most adorable and funniest thing. hahah. your kids are seriously so funny.


I can't stress enough how much I love and adore this family! You all are amazing!


I can't relate to your journey with infertility, but me and my husband just had our 4th baby! They are all under 4 and its really hard to find articles or advice or anything from having babies close together like we have. Its like people think we're crazy or something!😜 I saw your video on blanket time and it encouraged me to start a "quiet time" with my kids which eventually turned into naptime and has changed my life. I love seeing how gentle you are with your kids and I'm so excited for your baby boy to be born. I feel like we are on a journey (of 4 kids) together in a way. You guys are awesome parents and encourage me on rough days, so thank you for putting your life out there!


Olivia is such a great and nice big sister. she has such a bright and positive personality. i'm pretty sure she can capture every person's heart :)


I duno why but 3.44 when you say "I'm sweating now" really made me chuckle. Your crazy facial expressions always make me laugh xx


Haha! I love that big sister threat, "do you wanna go to bed!?" Your kids are just adorable! And I totally agree about having a clean house to come home to!


Man i wish y'all were daily vloggers lol I love this family always so happy and positive!


Your family is just the cutest! You can tell y'all aren't putting on a show... That's what I love about y'all!
