Terrifying Truth About the Walkers in the Daryl Dixon Show! The Walking Dead New Walkers Rick Grimes

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Daryl's new show called The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon sees him finally arrive in France. This is the show I've most been looking forward to because we're seeing such a familiar Walking Dead character in such an unfamiliar place in The Walking Dead with evidently completely new rules in the zombie apocalypse. In season 1 Edwin Jenner said that France was the last place to fall but were also the closest to finding a solution to the zombies. Something happened and instead of fixing the walkers, they likely created a new one.

The silence in the Daryl Dixon trailers is noticeable and for a Walking Dead show there appears to be a big lack of zombies in the teasers. In this video I talk about when I think we'll next see the new walkers in The Walking Dead universe. They're clearly faster, stronger and harder to take out. I also talk about how Carol even gets there in season 2!

Do YOU even want new walkers in The Walking Dead? When do you think we'll next see the new walkers? How do you think Carol gets there? Let me know what you think down below. Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon.

I will probably have videos out for the Rick Grimes and Michonne show trailers and sneak peeks once they come out! I'm not too sure about a video for Dead City but certainly keep an eye out for my videos on the rest of FTWD season 8, the Daryl Dixon trailer and the Rick Grimes and Michonne show trailer breakdowns!

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Do YOU even want new walkers in The Walking Dead? When do you think we'll next see the new walkers? How do you think Carol gets there? Let me know what you think down below. Thanks for watching. I'll see you soon.


I love how Daryl went from a character who was supposed to not even make it to season 2 to having his own show


A lot of people forget that walkers was a lot faster in season 1 of the walking dead such as scene when Rick goes into atlanta and he turns around corner to meet a horde and then they start running but slowly towards Rick.


I’m super excited for the Daryl show. That idea of Daryl finding that room where the variant walker shown in the end credits of World Beyond was at, and finding that laptop with Jenner on it, it would be a beautiful callback to season 1


I hope they give us flash back scenes with the labs and the fall out moments.


New variants are needed, and also more focus on zombies. The show started focusing less and less on zombies and in season 7-8 it felt like they barely exist. Like, Negan can yell into a mic outside of Alexandria but no zombies show up… come on. The stuff between humans are important but at this point feels like the zombies are just an aftethought because literally everyone is a murdering machine at this point.


I swear walker Shane was a variant! He came back almost *IMMEDIATELY* after he died, and if he hadn’t injured his leg (when he fell from the window at the school as he was getting medical supplies with Otis), he would have literally been RUNNING towards Rick… He was a variant, no doubt.


“The silence in these teasers are deafening” George Drake with the bars 🔥🔥


The variant zombies should not have the bone around their brain replaced with silly putty but instead have standard human thickness skulls that are impervious to silly straws, pencils, and model planes. I remember alot of times when the characters got pinned and desperately reached for a weapon and came up with some very fragile things that should never have worked to penetrare a skull and destroy enough brain to stop them.


It'd be cool as hell if he stumbled upon a group of survivors that have some type of tech and they show him Dr. Jenner's recordings back in S1.

That would send chills down my spine.


The only person I could imagine that could survive RUNNING walkers is daryl dixon tbh


Looks good. I think "fast" zombies could only exist for a very short duration, quickly burning up the bodies resouces in a bid to spread the contagion. The body is dead and therefore cannot replenish it's resources despite "eating" dead flesh, which is why they're slow. A slow zombie uses little resources/metabolism and relies on untiring unthinking persistance to spread the contagion. Just my two bits on the subject.


See, my problem with dead city is that the walkers don’t pose an actual threat, it’s just the usual “oh they weren’t paying attention and got bitten”
So I am hoping that walkers pose more of a threat in this series.
The spin-offs so far are just human on human conflict, with zombies in the background as a way to kill off side characters.


I love the idea, Rick didn't understand what Jenner was talking about either, and we don't hear his exact words. I think this is the build up to finding out Rick is the successful lazarus subject. It's the only thing that would make sense. Experiments to bring people back to life, Ricks miraculous recovery and survival. Variants displaying more human like motif functions. Side effect being aggression, nostalgia and reduction to loss of empathy. Not cognitive empathy, but emotional. Note this isn't the loss of emotion, just the lack of recognizing how others feel. Though the empathy part could just be perceived due to impulsive aggressive behavior. It would make it even more heart wrenching if the only side effect was aggression, in which case walker variants may be emotionally aware of their actions and even feel guilt. Though it would be easier and more sensible for the writers to suggest that due to mutation in a virologist sense, Ricks variation (Transferable or not) could be so unique, the chance of recreation is near to none. It's my suspicion that the reason Rick is bare foot on that beach, is because he now knows this. The walkers can't hurt him like they can hurt others. More likely they were taken to stop him running away though.


Faster and cleverer zombies are a fun idea to play with, as long as they do it tastefully, walking dead was always meant to be a love letter to Romero's work and Romero didn't like running zombies, so I don't think it would be right for them to make the undead too crazy but faster and cleverer than they are? sure. Whatever they choose to do Norman Reedus is going to carry this show on his shoulders like a King and I'm going to happily dive in and watch the journey.


I think this will be amazing. It has all the making. I only hope they don’t F it up with poor direction. I also hope the pace and reveals are kept at a fast pace.


We need variants, but more variants, more dangerous, more slow and friendly, even new ones! I need this show to be alive forever


Season 1 of The Walking Dead, we saw Walkers use bricks, we saw them climb over a chainlink fence, we saw them sitting on curbs and bus seats. Even sleeping inside a tank.


It would be so cool if they went the Dying Light route with UV-susceptible zombies, with recent infected being able to run.
As long as the special effects are on-point, I'm all aboard


I think it’s this, all seems abandoned and sorta like the people finally killed the dead, what if the show is just a thriller where we see Daryl interacting with survivors trying to get home but also wondering where the dead are and finally in the end it’s revealed the survivors were able to gather all the fast evolved walkers into one place and trap them and Daryl accidentally released them when trying to find a way home ending in total chaos and maybe even a cliffhanger till the second season where he gets in contact with Carol about what happened
