Donald Trump Thanksgiving Day speech to Coast Guard goes off the rails

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President Trump and First Lady Melania spent part of their Thanksgiving visiting a Coast Guard Station in Riviera Beach, Florida. In his remarks, Trump talked about an invisible plane, described a hurricane as a water job and challenged a guardsman to an arm wrestling match.

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*the first lady wearing converse lmao*


Hey Brad M hello from Indiana, your mom and dad are so proud of you and so happy to see you with the POTUS Trump 100%


Sandwiches to the coast guard, What a treat Donald


Here's a fun game, be the first person to find something coherent in Donald Trump's speech. I thought I had won with “Happy Thanksgiving” until I saw that was said by Melania.


That kid can hardly wait until he gets his hands on the food


His wife is always trying to cover her eyes. She looks so uncomfortable so unnatural. Just strange


This man has dementia. He is completely incoherent.


ok so I personally have nothing against the guy, but can someone please help me understand why is a Billionaire like Donald Trump giving these athletic fit men Bread and chips saying that he has to keep the coast guard well fed and calling it good stuff and that supposedly it's made by his people ??? I got to say pretty disappointed, I come from a middle class family and not from the high's either, however even i would give these guys way much better food then that. aka real food! just saying I think that I make a lot of sense. I mean it's thanksgiving for good's sake! give these guys some turkey and honey baked ham, with stuffing, and mashed Patatoes with gravy!


Can we all say this whole speech was all about PRODUCT PLACEMENT!


Hehe...what a *rambling incoherent mess* viewing this...should be appalled that this is the leader of a great I have heard primary school children put better speeches together.... Where are his speechwriters??? Is this off the cuff?


Whose his PR person? Because his speech has a limited diction and he seems incoherent. None of if it makes any sense. He can't even finish a sentence


Just spreading optimism and gratitude. :)


This year 2019, Trump is begging the turkey to pardon him....🤣🤣🤣😋


Really confused what his speech was all about...


Happy thanksgiving President Trump on 2021


I don't own a yacht but it's common knowledge to take it out to the ocean and ride out a storm. Trump fails to realize that most of these boats aren't pleasure craft. It's these people's homes. Leaving it at the pier during a hurricane spells certain devastation. Where's his head at?


I’ve never watched so much news before in my life


Maybe Trump should wear a wristband teleprompter?


he doesn't sound like a president should. Honestly he thinks the COAST GUARD is a brand.


Great analysis by Clizzila on CNN:

(CNN)President Donald Trump stopped by a local Coast Guard station in Florida on Thursday to celebrate Thanksgiving. While there, he gave a speech extolling the virtues of the Coast Guard "brand" and talking about how everything is now better thanks to, well, him.
I went through the speech and picked out a handful of the oddest quotes. Happy Black Friday!
1. "But if you were looking at it as a brand, there's no brand that went up more than the Coast Guard, with what happened in Texas."
The Coast Guard brand has never been higher! We are moving all sorts of Coast Guard merch right now!

2. "You saved 16, 000 lives -- nobody knows that -- 16, 000 lives."
Trump routinely cites this 16, 000 number. I couldn't find where he gets it, however. The closest I came was this piece from September that says the Coast Guard rescued just north of 11, 000 people in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
3. "That was a big water job, right? It kept coming in and going back."
Trump on Hurricane Harvey aka "a big water job."
4. "I think that there is no brand, of any kind -- I'm not just talking about a military brand -- that has gone up more than the Coast Guard."
These Coast Guard hats are flying off the shelves! Same with the Coast Guard inflatable anchors!
5. "I still haven't figured out how people take their boats out into a hurricane."
6. "I don't know -- I mean, they go out in a boat and they think, I guess, they're -- you know, they've got a wonderful boat, they've had it for years, it can weather anything."
I christen thee the Flying Wasp!
7. "Now, should we leave the media here to do the questions? Or should we tell them to leave?"
Ha ha ha! Oh wait, the free and independent press is the bedrock of democracy.
8. "And it's nice that you're working for something that's really starting to work."
Sort of a remarkable statement here by Trump. What he's insinuating is that the military wasn't working under President Barack Obama but is back to working now with him in charge. Happy Thanksgiving!
9. "Your whole, long life, the stock market is higher than it's ever been. And that means your 401(k), all of the things that you have, whether it's -- even if you're in the military, you have a country that's really starting to turn."
According to the pool report, Trump was pointing at a small boy when he said this. Kids are always thinking about their 401(k)s, right?
10."I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said, yeah, but in a fight -- you know, a fight -- like I watch in the movies -- they fight, they're fighting. How good is this?"
"A fight -- like I watch in the movies."
No words.
11. Even if it's right next to it, it can't see it. I said, that helps. That's a good thing."
Trump's right. If I could have any super power, I think I would choose invisibility. Or maybe mind-reading. Or a tub of glue I shoot at people.
12. "You know, when we sell to other countries, even if they're allies -- you never know about an ally. An ally can turn."
Hey allies! We are watching you! And we don't trust you! Eyes on you, Australia.
13. "A little bit -- keep a little bit -- keep about 10% in the bag, because what we have -- nobody has like what we have, and that's what we're doing."
I ALWAYS "keep about 10% in the bag."
