jQuery Ajax Tutorial #1 - Using AJAX & API's (jQuery Tutorial #7)
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In this jQuery AJAX Tutorial for beginners, we're going to be covering an introduction to using jQuery to access a JSON API (Application Programming Interface) to get data and populate it into the document. jQuery AJAX is powerful and is the first step to making dynamic websites that respond to the user actions as they happen. The first part of using jQuery AJAX to access a JSON API is to make a GET request, so this jQuery lesson covers how to make AJAX Get Requests with jQuery & JSON.
Lesson #1: jQuery Tutorial for Beginners
Lesson #2: Listen to user events and respond with jQuery actions!
Lesson #3: Clean up the jQuery by putting some data in the HTML
Lesson #4: "DOM Traversal" with jQuery
Lesson #5: Building a jQuery Tab Panel Widget
Lesson #6: Building a jQuery Slider / DOM Caching
Lesson #8: Ajax Pt 2 - posting data to the backend
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