Why Consumerism Sucks!

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I’m from Cuba. Thank you for talking about this. People need to wake up


If you buy things you don't need, you'll find yourself selling things you want to keep. -Philippines proverb


I love you PP! A paid off house is cozier! A paid of car drives better! Savings, no matter how small is a comfort. Low bills reduces your anxiety. Thinking out of the box and not keeping up with what you see on social media will save your behind over and over and over!


I was born and raised in third world country and I can say that what she is saying is absolutely the truth 💯 so much so that when I first landed in the USA my first impulse was to bow down and kiss the land because it was a dream come true to finally step in the land of the free and opportunities 🇺🇸❤️


Of my siblings, I earn the least amount of money, I am also the only one with a pension and savings. I don't spend for the sake of spending, have not a single penny of debt, I budget and have a full freezer and pantry cupboard, a years worth of toiletries, washing powder, and own my car outright, bought with savings. The freedom and peace of mind is priceless. Oh, I also live in a 2 bed apartment 1 bath and it is cheaper to run. My only splurge is on my cat and he gives back more than I could ever give.


You are so lucid! I'm brazilian, I live in the richest state in my country (São Paulo) and I have an extremely comfortable life by Brazilian standards. I had the opportunity to visit Florida and see how blessed Americans are!


I live frugally, but it hurts to see our government is spending our money like there is no tomorrow.


You’re beautiful home looks bigger than 1000 square feet because you don’t have stuff everywhere. I love it! 😍


Love your videos.
I’m now 59 and I wish I had seen your videos when I started work in 1984.
I’ve wasted money over the years, bought stuff I didn’t need, bought too many clothes etc.
Completely stopped now and I hate seeing “stuff”. Using up what I have.
Your messages are valuable.


you are by far my favorite channel. no fluff, no bs, no cutesy music or editing. I just really enjoy how down to earth every video is. thank you.


A family in North Korea has 1 ounce of meat every 6 months I believe. That blew my mind. The guest is served first the meat. If I had known...I would not have eaten.

My own family had a hard time in the 2008 crisis. I owned my house, but it was hard to pay for anything. I was making $18 a day for a family of 7-8. It was so bad when I got pregnant with my last child I bawled like a baby because I didn't know how I would feed him. No car. I worked on the internet.

We bought bulk rice and beans. I grew all our veggies. We had chickens for eggs and yes we gave them garden veg to feed them. We had ducks. They pretty much feed themselves. I canned. I foraged for blackberries, plums, nuts, and more. I went to the food bank when I could get a ride. I used a solar oven. I used a wonder wash to wash clothes and hang dried them. (Before I washed in a big bucket...the wonder wash was an upgrade.) We used wood for heat. Crock pots and the solar oven was how I cooked. There was no medicine. Yes, I made do...and my kids grew up like that.

A few years and we were living good. We had a 401k. We had some savings. We had gadgets and I was working making more money. We even saved money in a trust for our disabled daughter and 529 accounts for the kids. Then covid happened. Every year we make less and less. I am worried we will end up like we were, only now I have very bad health problems.


My husband and I live in a studio apartment because we're saving to buy a house in cash in about a year or 2 and I feel fine and blessed! Entire family's live in the space of a studio apartment in third world countries and they barely have walls and no plumbing or running water! We always say that people in the USA are way too spoiled in terms of house space, we have huge houses in this country


I’m shocked at how people won’t even attempt to lower their bills. I know people who have $200 cell phone bills, $400 electric bills, $1, 400+ grocery bills and still complain they’re broke. 😅


you asked why you have so many followers: because you tell the bare truth. it sometimes sucks, but you are right and everyone knows it


I actually felt like we ate better in Cuba than here in the US because the food was mostly the fresh produce that they are able to grow. And, I ate lobster six times. Here in the US- people eat an ultra processed food diet and that’s terrible. So, while Cubans don’t have much food- what they mostly have and eat is sooo much healthier that what people here at eating.


i remember years ago my family was living in El Paso and for the first time, we crossed over the border to Mexico and literally the minute we went over the border into Juarez, all we could see, all over the hills was all these shanty shacks made out of tin like you were talking about, with rusty tin "roofs". We didn't even know what we were looking at, as we had never been over the border before. This was way back in the 70's. I realized way back then that the USA is a place to protect and make sure it doesn't turn into that. Having said that, I am really bugged by people who feel the need to "remodel" perfectly good kitchens with new countertops, etc. Through the years, I've seen so much of this b.s. of people feeling the need to tear out perfectly good home items, perfectly good kitchen cabinets and counter tops just because it's not the latest fashion. When the granite counter top fad came in, everyone had to do that. All that stuff gets ripped out and thrown in the landfill, for no reason other than a fad or fashion. I understand remodeling things that are not functional or need repair, but these people think they "must have" these merely cosmetic changes. It's such wasteful insanity, and many of these people claim to be "eco friendly" blah blah blah, while they rip and tear and destroy unnecessarily and fill up the landfills. My kitchen counters are white tile that's probably been there since the 70's. And guess what? It's just fine, it works, and I have no problem with it. But if someone were to buy my home tomorrow, the new owners would insist on an "upgrade" or tearing out stuff that has no need to be torn out. That, to me, is hyper consumerism based merely on outer looks, not on functionality.


Totally agree with this whole video. I backpacked through Central America and met people that wanted simple things that we take for granted. Still make me want to be so thankful. That’s when I learned I wanted to stay at home with my family and take life all in. I’m blessed for being American 🇺🇸. And that my parents fought to come here. Long before I was thought of.


You have a clean well organized house with two kids that love you very much. I would say you’re very rich in quality of life. It sound like the lord is blessing you!


100% with you on a small house! Our home is just under 1000 square feet with a constant breeze to enjoy on our front porch. The peace that comes with our home and simple lifestye is priceless. We are trying to improve on simplifying our book keeping and cooking and day to day living just to help our dream to age in place become a reality. Improving our skills is a daily goal and we enjoy the challenge. The simpler your lifestyle...the easier it is to be and stay independent.


The entitlement drives me crazy! My own daughters have been rolling their eyes at me because I tell them to STOP buying crap they don't need. SAVE your money... I am starting to see it click with them after the last couple years because there is no more Momma-Bail-Out. As far as they are concerned, I'm broke. Time for them to feel a little of the pain - if I can't get their attention, maybe the whomp of the declined debit card will. I hate having to stand back and watch, but at least they're young and have time to recover when they screw up.
