Social Justice + Veganism Ep.1 Intersectional Veganism

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Intersectional vegans care about more than just animals. Let’s dive into how addressing other issues helps the vegan movement. Narrated by @KoyaWebb

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So, so happy to see this series. And this is a great place to start! :)


This video is so necessary. Oppression will not cease to exist unless all beings are not oppressed.

I don’t believe we’ll ever be able to find justice for animals if we pretend this is a disconnected issue. Our objective in common will be far from reality as long as we, as vegans, try to do everything in our power to avoid the suffering of animals but ignore the suffering of other humans. Everything is intertwined.


Oppression is not a one-way road; it is a labyrinth. Thank you for this <3


We cannot fully have a vegan works and hard to get ppl of color to join the vegan movement if the problem of racism is still existing.
We must help immigrants that are working for the animal agriculture industries find a better more compassionate job. We must conquer those problem at the same time that we are doing activist work for the animals as all oppressed life matters


Already love this series -- looking forward to sharing this with others!


Oh damn. I cry every time I watch one of your videos


Seeing that the U.S. and Europe have the least bad conditions for people and animals, you only have to know that the things you buy are made outside these areas to know that the people/animals are treated horrendously and that maybe you shouldn't spend your money on these products until conditions are improved.


thank you for talking about these important issues! veganism is political and needs to discussed in a way so every Black and Brown person feels included, not ignored. loved this video :)


Amazing‼️ loved this. Need to spread this far and wide


I'm against intersectionality on veganism. You have to remember first what veganism is about: "Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose." Period. Veganism is about non-human animals. It's not about the animal called homo sapiens. If you advocate ideologies or social movements under the roof of veganism then I'm strongly against intersectionality. Veganism is about non-human animals. If you gather any human-centered ideology or social movement under the roof of veganism that means you deflect the subject of veganism. The subject of veganism is non-human animals.

Intersectionality on veganism: "Let's be vegan for those who are eating animals." Really? People, you have to remember that veganism is about non-human animals.



I love this series! Please post more about social justice and veganism 💚❣


Really disappointing to see you are dragging veganism into intersectionalism. There’s an overwhelming amount of negative baggage with intersectionalism. I have donated to your nonprofit a few times in the past, and I never will be donating to you again now that you’ve outed your stance.


What a stupid garbage propaganda. What the hell it has to do with animal abuse?
