TSC2022 - Workshop 6 - Plants & Consciousness

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Plants & Consciousness
M. Bruce MacIver, Stanford University
Deepak Chopra, Chopra Global
Rainish Khanna, Ph.D., I-Cultiver
Patrisia Gonzales, UArizona
Dennis McKenna, Heffter Research Institute (R)

April 18, 2022 - Workshop
The Science of Consciousness Conference - April 18-22, 2022

Рекомендации по теме

fascinating research on the anesthesia photoreceptor reactions in plants


I would emphasize that plants also have an aura - for example qigong master Chunyi Lin has healed a tree by reading the tree's aura to see the energy blockages. Also I have had dreams of the big oak trees that watched me growing up as a child. So the tree's aura was taking care of life as well. I dreamt of a white bear standing up against one of the big old oak trees. I went back to that yard and that same tree had recently been cut down!! So we have a soul connection via the aura or coherent biophoton signals of the plants also. thanks


Thank you Science of Consciousness! - Rajnish Khanna


Penrose doesn't agree with Stephen Hawking that information survives the black hole - especially with the huge black hole singularities at the end of the universe. He thinks the Hawking Point is just the energy from the previous mass but the information got lost in the conversion process. I don't know - maybe noncommutativity changes this since Professor Shahn Majid says the noncommutativity creates an antigravity quantum propulsion that counteracts the singularity gravitational collapse.
