UCAT Verbal Reasoning: 15 VR Tips To Score Highly in UCAT | Medic Mind
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Finding UCAT Verbal Reasoning tricky? Today I'm going to give you 15 UCAT Verbal Reasoning Tips. UCAT Verbal Reasoning is tough, no one can deny it but let us show you some tips to help you succeed in the UCAT.
🙇♂️Nearly everyone finds UCAT Verbal Reasoning hard - more than any other section. So, here are 15 UCAT Verbal Reasoning Tips:
📕Tip #1: Use Keywords (1:26)
First, pick a keyword in the question statement. Dates, numbers and capitalised words tend to be good keywords in the UCAT because they’re easy to spot.
📕Tip #2: Use Extreme Language (2:02)
Let’s say I told you that ‘this video WILL improve your UCAT Verbal Reasoning score’. You might be a bit unsure, maybe yes, maybe no.
📕Tip #3: Don't Miss TFCT Questions (2:49)
The True, False, Can’t Tell questions are normally the quickest to answer compared to the statement questions. So you don’t want to miss them out!
📕Tip #4: Don't Skip Through to TFCT (3:10)
Don’t spend too long skipping back and forth looking for TFCT questions. This will mess up your timing and you’ll spend too long navigating.
📕Tip #5: Finding Conclusions in Author Questions (3:32)
Sometimes in UCAT Verbal Reasoning you’ll get author or writer questions. These passages are based on someones opinion. The best bet is to look in the final paragraph first, because this will usually have the closing argument of the passage.
📕Tip #6: Sometimes Guess Author Questions (3:53)
Author questions can be long winded, and require lots of reading. If you are going to guess any, these are probably the ones to guess!
📕Tip #7: Watch out for ‘strongest opinion’ author questions (4:08)
All of the statements might be the author’s opinion and be true, but we’re looking for the strongest statement which is agreed with the most.
📕Tip #8: Watch out for negative questions too! (4:28)
Sometimes you’ll get negative questions in UCAT Verbal Reasoning. For example, the statement may say ‘which of these is NOT true’, as shown on the screen.
📕Tip #9: Don’t spend too long checking (4:55)
In VR, time is precious. So be smart and don’t double check again and again. Often, students get scared of making mistakes because its the big day and the actual exam. But this means they spent too long checking.
📕Tip #10: Practice in a Library (5:30)
So many students practice UCAT, but don’t practice full 2 hour mocks. Its a different test in the real thing. There are only very short breaks, Its a hot stuffy room. Its an old computer.
📕Tip #11: Practice on SCREEN (5:58)
During practice, if you are using books don’t highlight the text because you can’t do this in the final exam!
📕Tip #12: UCAT love to throw in time traps! (6:15)
UCAT Verbal Reasoning writers are a bit evil! Sometimes certain questions are made deliberately hard to throw you off! The best candidates guess and move on, the worst candidates waste all their time!
📕Tip #13: Prepare yourself mentally (6:37)
Don’t be a perfectionist when you walk in - so many students try to double check answers because its the real exam and they are too cautious and are scared to make mistakes.
📕Tip #14:. Work on Skim Reading (6:57)
To do well in UCAT Verbal Reasoning, you have to skim read the text to find the keyword you’re looking for.
📕Tip #15: Use the Flagging Function (7:22)
Always put an answer down, even if its a guess, before flagging and moving on. Its really unlikely that you’ll have time left over at the end!
📕BONUS Tip : Consider Operational Time (7:50)
Don’t waste precious time in each question doing extra things, as this adds up. I’ve had students in the past who always write down the keyword on their whiteboard, for example.
Watch our full UCAT Video Series to help you succeed in all the sections of the exam! 🏥🥇
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