Tailor Shop | Victorian Era ASMR |#55

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♚This is a part of a story. All the videos and characters are interconnected.

✄ Previous episodes with the Tailor character:
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Created by Anastasia

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All characters are fictional and are designed for immersion into the Atmosphere.
No references to specific nations or historical events are made.
If you're interested in the world I create, here is the fansite created by Mariana, where you can know more about the storyline of Atmosphere and how the timelines and characters are connected.

Also there's a Discord for Secret Button Society
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German by Vangrief
Turkish by Elif Ergün
Spanish by Fritz Kartoffel
Chinese by Morris Wednesday
Japanese by maikos1
Azerbaijani by Diana_mammadova
Spanish, Argentinian by Donna
Romanian by soarecii nu mint
Ukrainian by stendario
Korean by Sieun Chon
Polish by JMG
French by Gauthier Laventure
Italian by M.B.
Greek by Athinais Voutou
0:00 Trio around you
5:27 Showing buttons
8:25 Showing fabric samples
12:20 Measuring you
18:55 More fabrics
22:46 Wool
24:35 🤷‍♀️
38:45 Sorting fabrics
Рекомендации по теме

- Alice the tailor and her shop in Daerington were previously seen in Video #11 (Tailor) and Video #19 (Gossips at the Tailor Shop)
- Amelia previously appeared in Video #19 and is named on-screen for the first time here
- Amelia notes that Anna is wearing white; previously she had a distinct preference for dark colors as she told the POV Character in Video #16 (At the Royal Ball)
- The conference of philanthropists at the castle in North Wellingthorpe sounds like one of the gatherings of the Order of the Sleepless, which Anna mentioned in Video #40 (Fortune Teller in the Train)
- "Your Ladyship sold us some wool last year." Per the World Anvil background material Daerington - the region of which Anna is Countess - is known for the quality of its sheep-wool
- Alice's fondness for buttons (and Anna's antipathy towards them) was first shown in Video #11


the pasive-agressiveness between anna and amelia is everything 😭 i thought that at any moment they both would start throwing hands


Just how did she manage to sync up not only two but three people??? She is so damn talented I can’t believe it!


My brain sees Alice and Anna as two different people, not just one person in two costumes. I think that’s a sign of a job well done.


The wide-mouthed gasp of excitement the tailor makes when asked about the "rare textile" at 1:52 is so adorable. It made me giggle.


I can’t believe she even made the characters different heights, the detail is Insane


at 2:25 when Anna says "very beautiful" she's looking at us and not the fabric and i melted a little ngl


It’s so subtle, but I like how the seamstresses outfits are becoming slightly more fancy and she’s wearing more makeup as her ‘popularity’ increases. I like to think that people have seen Lady Anna using her so she’s become the most fashionable tailor to use!🥰


영상 하나하나 다 정성스럽게 만든게 느껴져서 너무 좋음..ㅠㅜㅜ 한명이 여러명을 연기하는게 분명 쉬운일이 아닐텐데.. 한국어 자막도 있고 세계관도 이어지고 영상 컨셉에 맞는 옷이나 소품 보는 재미도 있어서 볼 때마다 많은 사람들이 이분을 모른다는게 너무 안타까워짐.. 알고리즘이라도 타서 많은 분들이 이분을 알게 되길... 나만 알기 아까움


I love that Alice has just given in and gone Full Button™. I stan a button queen.


the fact that she plays every role and i totally forget throughout the video is a proof of her amazing talent


i love Alice's continued patience with Anna not understanding the nuances of tailoring (i.e., the "towel" in this video, the "my lady, this is basting" in the other tailor shop video)


Just when i thought Anna and Amelia were gone but at 5:20 they appeared outside, then i started to focus on the window. It haven't rained yet. I thought it was raining at the start of the video but it just the ambience's sound. After that some drops fell and then, I can clearly hear the water sound at 6:20. Her work is so amazing, like... she prepares everything even the smallest detail to record a perfect video.


Finally Alice decorated her hat with a huge button. Yes she is really the president of secret button society.


I love how Alice's response to Anna's dislike of buttons is to turn her hat into a giant button. And when she says she'll show us buttons, Anna just shrugs and is just like "Sure, why not?" A win for the Secret Button Society!

EDIT: I just realized she's saying "Sure, why not?" to the offer to see the shoe maker. She's desperate to leave when Alice mentions buttons. Which makes the scene even funnier. Well done as always, Anastasia!


I need a one hour long video of Alice showing off her button collection in excruciating detail


When Lady Anna looks you straight in the eye and says "yes, very beautiful" and your heart suddenly stops ❤


I don't see anyone mentioning this, but the thing that impressed me was Alice's eyebrows. So often, dark haired people put on blonde wigs and forget the eyebrows. It both sells the natural hair color and makes her look like a totally different person to have her eyebrows lightened to match the hair.


7:54 “I don’t even know how they make those, but I really love them.” Literally my words when I watch this channel lol


아악 드디어 한국어 자막 달아주시는 분 정말 감사합니다ㅠㅠ 들숨에 명예와 날숨에 재력이 깃들길...❤️‍🔥
