Expert: Tuskegee Syphilis Study behind COVID-19 vaccine skepticism among some Blacks

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Efforts to beat COVID-19 still draws skepticism. A Gallup poll finds Whites are more likely than non-Whites to be vaccinated. That's despite the fact that groups like Blacks are more than three times as likely to be hospitalized, and over two times as likely to die.
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"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."


I don't care what they say they are still telling lies


Can't say I blame them, the Tuskegee Experiment made me distrust ALL DOCTORS IN LIFE...


And wonder why we don't trust them


Its been 400 years, since when did you start being so concerned about us black peoples ??


"Just trust us this time"
*suspiciously switches needles*


The black community have every right to be sceptical.


Some things this clip doesn't mention... The journal publications of this utterly useless longitudinal study (because we already had longitudinal data on syphilis), was published in medical journals by the US Public Health Service for decades. Students and doctors could easily see and read it. These men had been told it would last 6 months but it ran 40 years. That's 4 decades of publication. The men were told they'd be treated and weren't, even when penicillin was widely available, and they were even barred from treatment at local hospitals when they went there independently. Doctors and students knew how utterly useless and unethical the "study" was, and yet when the man who was the first to say "WTF?" tried reporting this experiment in the 60s he was ignored. William Carter Jenkins a government epidemiologist who did statistics for the Department of Public Health. He reported it to his boss about the unethical design who told him "Don't worry about it" (he oversaw the study). Then he tried writing journalists and other scientists. But he was ignored. It was another health service scientist that ultimately exposed the study, again having to leak it to the press. It was finally shutdown in 72. (I must add, one year after Phillip Zimbardo faked his stanford prison experiment 1971, with whistleblowers trying to expose as a fraud for decades, and yet now finally exposed by Zimbardo himself that it had been a theatrical demonstration and NOT a true experiment... he still publishes research, gets Ted Talks and his "experiment" plaque still hangs at stanford university). The most frightening part of the Tuskegee experiment beyond the needless deaths and damage done to these men and their families, is that whistleblowers tried to speak up, and that the study was no secret. How can anyone trust that health scientists can root out and stop unethical or corrupt research?


They think if they show you enough black people you will get fooled again lmao


They keep saying Tuskegee is behind the mistrust😂. Forget that just tell us when has America was concerned about black Americans moving up the financial ladder.


The American version of Dr. Mengele - without the accountability.


LOL how many checks did it cost for these geniuses to figure that amazing profound information out ?


Question for WPTV News: You seem to be attempting to provide a public service because you state above that non whites are less likely than non-Whites to be vaccinated, despite the fact that groups like Blacks are more likely to be hospitalized, or die. Yet my post explaining the Tuskegee experiment was removed while those spreading misinformation and paranoia are left up? Three times I have posted it and each time it was removed. Is there particular language that is unacceptable? Is it my use of proper names? Was it me naming a specific movie about the Tuskegee Experiment and the actors in it. Was it me naming the 3 Covid vaccine developers. Let me know so I can make adjustments. I used 24 lines to explain the Tuskegee Experiment and discuss it's relevance today in a scholarly way. Yet it was removed all 3 times I posted it while many pieces one line misinformation and paranoia dribble remain. Can you tell me why my posts were removed?


I still don't trust these Demons !


They called it a “syphilis study “ bye


Why was my post explaining the Tuskegee experiment removed while those spreading misinformation and paranoia are left up?


Okay, like the issue between BLM and police, this covid-19 vaccine thing has nothing to do with race.


0:41 Now ask that same man what he got against going to see a dentist?
