Lo the Full Final Sacrifice - Gerald Finzi

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Rejoice in the Lamb was our 4th concert of 2019. The concert was a standout for the singers, feeling they rose to the challenging programme. We never planned to release this dress rehearsal recording following the rich memory of the unrecorded performance, but COVID-19 has changed that. We want to share with you some new video content - this pre-COVID recording is something that seems distant with singing now branded as a 'super spreading' activity. We hope you enjoy 'Lo the full final sacrifice' - Gerald Finzi.

Soprano: Brianna Louwen, Alexandra Bak, Bonnie de la Hunty
Alto: Stephanie Thyer, Courtney Weaver, Amber Lister
Tenor: Jason Kroll, Kieran Lynch, Joshua Adams
Bass: Thomas Friberg, David Penco, Jonty Coy

Conductor: Kate McNamara
Organist: Alessandro Pittorino
Video: Thomas Friberg
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