How the slave trade shaped North Vancouver

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It's emancipation Day in Canada, the day that slaves were freed by the British Empire both in Canada and around the world. In B.C., as the day was marked by the province and the federal government, two North Vancouver residents say they want to create greater awareness on B.C.'s black history — by sharing their own. Philip Owira has more.

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There's already a comment about aboriginal slavery, but what about all the Scottish people that signed on to indentured servitude for the HBC? It was a form of slavery.


Saw the title and thought this was about slavery under the Haida and Tlingit people.


Slavery was an abomination. I once visited Fort Jesus, an old Portuguese slaver fort, in Kenya in the city of Mombasa. I learned about the slave trade. But the catch is, it was the Arab Slave Trade. I looked at a map. Arab countries right up the coast, an easy sail. But to get to Europe with slaves, before the Suez Canal was impossible. That's why the Arab Slave Trade was much larger than the European slave trade. History Debunked channel, with Simon Webb, has a video on this.

Peter C. Newman the great Canadian historian, talks about the native aboriginals in Canada, who also had a slave trade going. They enslaved other First Nations Peoples in Canada. Another aspect of slavery not taught, which is all and I mean all races did it, not just white people. In fact white British Europeans, based on Biblical principles, were the first culture to strongly push back on slavery, get rid of it, long before other cultures, races. When I was a young man in the late 1960s, the Beatles came out with their White Album. I found out, the same year in the late 60s, trading in slaves was still legal in Saudi Arabia, the capital of Islam.

By all means lets discuss slavery. But lets not make what Catholics call, "lies of omission", meaning we should teach about other cultures, their slave trading habits. The current educational curriculum is mostly a lie of omission, designed to install guilt only on the white population. That's racist. Also not true. All people did it. Winston .S. Churchill wrote a book talking about how Europeans enslaved other white people. I mean, everyone was a victim.


My great, great grand parents were pioneer homesteaders from Scotland and Germany, but nobody knows about them because they didn’t write the history books.


Wtf?! Everything named Heywood should be renamed!


Please contribute history pictures to the Vancouver Archives!! It's a treasure trove, same w/S.Asian people who helped build Forestry. Please can we stop saying how victimized we are and add our footprints to the legacy that has become a shared history !!


What about the rest of the british colonies. Seems like exploitation. Like slavery


All we need now is some video of our Prime Minister Trudeau angrily yelling at this black woman with disgust for being 'old stock' to get the full present day experience of being a Canadian with the Liberals in power.


Not really. Seeing how its being hijacked by " pride week" 😂

Also nobody in their right mind celebrates these things. We come together for thanksgiving and Canada day.


Amen This is the 1st time I have seen this


thougt the article was about black slaves in BC, click bait


Time for BC to pay reparations like California. Time for us to get educated and pay 2 million dollars (us) to every individual of black descent. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦💉😷!


So this is an attempt to create guilt about slavery that never existed in Canada? Why is it important that these people were black? I see people here tying to I still American racist ideas where none existed. I come from British Columbia. I never was aware of any black/white racism there. It never existed as there were so few black peoples there I never saw any until I was in my 20’s. What they are trying to imply is meaningless but intended to be divisive. My ancestors in eastern Canada also go back to the late 18th Century around Toronto. I ‘m getting no special treatment for that.


Look up "Racism in Halifax (1962)" here on Youtube. That's a piece with a local CBC reporter using the N-word while interviewing an African Nova Scotian. It's disturbing to hear but a product of the time. I only know of it because I am from Halifax. I'm sure there are plenty more. Why can't we get a CBC video about the many instances of racism in reporting by CBC over the years?


Not sure why everyone is so upset. This is a part of the history of the country too. There's nothing anti Canadian here or historical revisionist.


It is the Chinese Orientals, Southeast Asians India, Jewish history that should be told. A history that has shaped Canada especially B.C. If there was racism, they opened up their own businesses, became land owners, so everyone was middle class, money did not come to them, they worked hard for it. Diversity worked because these are major powers on the world stage and everyone understood each other and respected each other, there were difficult times but the LOVE, Laughter was much much more. It is great to see everyone speaking French in Ottawa, Montreal. I was born in BC and growing up I only saw one African person who came from the USA, none in North Van, the new added ethnicity in North Vancouver are Iranians. Today I have seen about 15 Africans in BC. America has outsmarted Canada at every economic deal. Following America's primitive foreign policies and culture is hurting Canada. America wants Canadian water for free!! everything free. This is Canada every life matters, especially the truth.


A more appropriate title would have been "How the Haywood family shaped North Vancouver" or if the story is to credit black history "How coloured people shaped North Vancouver". To my knowledge North Vancouver never had a slave trade.


Why do we never talk about the Barbary Slave Trade?


It wasn’t Canada in 1787; it wasn’t Canada until 1867.
Stop referring to it as Canada… it was a British colony.
The British abolished slavery in 1807…

I like the history, but it has to be accurate and not misconstrued


More lies and more lies you cant make up history
