Jesus is - BBSO

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Evenimentul Anual BBSO 2017 - M-AM HOTĂRÂT 3.0
Annual Event BBSO 2017
Secvențe din evenimentul organizat de Biserica Baptistă Speranța Oradea (BBSO) în 2-3 Decembrie la Arena Antonio Alexe din Oradea.
This video is a live recording from an event organize by Biserica Baptistă Speranța Oradea (BBSO) from 2-3th December at Arena Antonio Alexe from Oradea.
Titlu/Title: Jesus Is (The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir)
Interpretare/Singers: Corul și Orchestra Națională BBSO
Solist/Artist: George Horga Jr.
Dirijor/Conductor: Lari Muntean
Compozitor/Song Writters: Carol Cymbala, Jason Michael Webb and Freddy Washington
Aranjament/Arrangement: Jason Michael Webb
Recording & Mastering: Calin Ciupe
Design: Bondas Daniel
Motion Graphics: Filip Cerchia
Video Editor: Petrica Munteanu
Videoclip realizat de departamentul Media BBSO in colaborare cu mai multi cameramani si specialisti video. This video was made posible by a team effort from BBSO Media and partners.
Verse 1
My strength whenever I am weak.
My hope, everything I need.
He's more than life to me. Jesus is.
My peace, shelter from the storm.
He's all my heart is longing for.
The one that I adore. Jesus is.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
Verse 2
My God, He hears my every Prayer.
He said my burdens he would bear.
I know He's always there. Jesus is.
Through Him I'm walking in the light.
His love will always be my guide.
He's always by my side. Jesus is.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
He is Prince of Peace. King of Kings.
Lord of Lords. Everything.
Mighty God. Son of Man.
Holy One. The Great I Am.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
Jesus is.
Annual Event BBSO 2017
Secvențe din evenimentul organizat de Biserica Baptistă Speranța Oradea (BBSO) în 2-3 Decembrie la Arena Antonio Alexe din Oradea.
This video is a live recording from an event organize by Biserica Baptistă Speranța Oradea (BBSO) from 2-3th December at Arena Antonio Alexe from Oradea.
Titlu/Title: Jesus Is (The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir)
Interpretare/Singers: Corul și Orchestra Națională BBSO
Solist/Artist: George Horga Jr.
Dirijor/Conductor: Lari Muntean
Compozitor/Song Writters: Carol Cymbala, Jason Michael Webb and Freddy Washington
Aranjament/Arrangement: Jason Michael Webb
Recording & Mastering: Calin Ciupe
Design: Bondas Daniel
Motion Graphics: Filip Cerchia
Video Editor: Petrica Munteanu
Videoclip realizat de departamentul Media BBSO in colaborare cu mai multi cameramani si specialisti video. This video was made posible by a team effort from BBSO Media and partners.
Verse 1
My strength whenever I am weak.
My hope, everything I need.
He's more than life to me. Jesus is.
My peace, shelter from the storm.
He's all my heart is longing for.
The one that I adore. Jesus is.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
Verse 2
My God, He hears my every Prayer.
He said my burdens he would bear.
I know He's always there. Jesus is.
Through Him I'm walking in the light.
His love will always be my guide.
He's always by my side. Jesus is.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
He is Prince of Peace. King of Kings.
Lord of Lords. Everything.
Mighty God. Son of Man.
Holy One. The Great I Am.
He is the Truth. The Life. The Way.
Jesus is.