Mikhail Lukin: Programmable quantum simulators based on Rydberg atom arrays

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Abstract: We describe the recent advances involving programmable, coherent manipulation of quantum many-body systems using atom arrays excited into Rydberg states. Specifically, we realized a programmable Ising-type quantum spin model with tunable interactions and system sizes of up to 51 qubits. Within this model we observed transitions into ordered states that break various discrete symmetries, verified high-fidelity preparation of ordered states, and investigated dynamics across quantum phase transitions in large arrays of atoms. In addition, we discovered a novel type of robust many-body dynamics (the so-called quantum many-body scars) corresponding to persistent oscillations of an order parameter after a sudden quantum quench. Most recently, we implemented a number of technical upgrades that now allows us to implement high fidelity quantum operations and to generate and manipulate large scale quantum entanglement using this system . Ongoing efforts to realize and test quantum optimization algorithms using two-dimensional atom arrays will be discussed.