Abraham Hicks 2018 🔘 On PMS

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It is now 2022. I have no idea how I never thought to search for this particular topic until today. I used to live with chronic and unbearable PMS. It has subsided over the years, and a bit with a hysterectomy, but I went THROUGH it over the last 2 days and I felt like a teenager in pain all over again. I work in a middle school and obviously, the hormone situation is just perpetual and raging. I work with the contingent of kids who are MASSIVELY RESISTANT to anything and everything. It's quite hilarious if you think about it, if you are like me and you do this work of practicing non-resistance, to be put in probably the densest population of resistant humans. That said, I was very upset the last 2 days because I was so hormonal and angry, and emotional. I was upset that I was undoing all my work. I was upset because I felt like "no matter what I do I somehow end up back here, it doesn't matter, nothing matters, doing the work doesn't matter". Therein lies the rub, I think. Now that I'm through it I can say that I think it could be considered useful to pay attention to our thoughts when we feel like this so we can get even more clear on what subconscious beliefs are running in the background. To not make any decisions when we feel like this, but to simply feel how we feel and give ourselves grace and patience and as many naps as are necessary :) To be frank and honest and real with ourselves so we don't add guilt and shame to the mix. Hormones are a thing, PMS is a thing, unhealed trauma is a thing, and when we feel like this it's ALL at play. I think the key is to be aware, call it what it is, and do what you can to feel better. For me, yesterday, that was crying all over the house, taking naps, and canceling attending an event. Today I feel much better, I can see what things I've continued to believe over the years and I know what I need to work on.
