I donated all my hair (what's next?)

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Thank you, Tiege, for sponsoring the video, which helped me take my family to San Diego for this amazing event.

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Please note that I'm not a medical doctor or a qualified cosmetic chemist. I do my best to quote credible scientific studies and link to all the studies in the description so you can fact-check me, but I can't 100% guarantee that all my info is error-free. It's important to consult your doctor and do what's best for you individually.
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Bro went from metal band bassist to church pastor


The Longhairs are great for putting this on. Glad you were part of it Trav, and thanks for keeping it fresh.


A lot of people have asked me if I plan to cut my hair in the future. I always joke that there’s this aspect of “I’ve come too far, I’ve gone through so much” that a cut seems almost alien as a concept. Really inspiring to see you not only donating to a good cause, but having a really good attitude about it. Looking forward to seeing your journey in future, and thanks for making videos that instill such confidence.


Great video! Was awesome to hang and so pumped you made it to The Great Cut. It was important to have you there. Can't wait for the next one! We'll see you in Texas sometime before then!


Wonderful cause. You've been and will continue to be an inspiration for so many on their hair journey, regardless of the individual goals. The new short hair style looks fantastic on you and going forward many would benefit from tips on maintaining a shorter hairstyle such as yours. The communities you've created are a friendly and welcome resource in a sea of information and whichever direction of the channel goes, I have no doubt it will remain so.


Trav Shaka count button (didn't realize how often I did that, sorry)


Admirable Trav! You were my role model as I grew my hair out and told friends "I'd love to look like him", and you'll still be an inspiration for contributing to good causes and embraching change


Woah its been months considering a major cut (13 years with long hair) and this just came at the right time, almost as if it was a sign.
thanks for doing such thing! i will for sure join the cause


I legit said "WOAH!" When bro got the cut. You look fantastic my dude. Huge respect for you doing this for those with less fortunate locks.


Bro you look majestic with short
But you were one of my inspiration for my long hair journey ❤


I have donated twice already - working on number 3.... I was motivated by a friend who lost her battle to cancer who told me "any day with hair is a good hair day!" Well done!


Wow, i started following you when you had like 10k subs, now you almost have 200k, keep it going man, your videos make me feel so motivated


I can't wait for this new era of content. I'm currently growing my hair out to donate and I have a long way to go. But hey, I now have somebody at roughly the same length who I can follow and take inspiration from as the journey continues. :)


Cheers to you bro!! What an amazing cause and I’ve enjoyed your journey! You’ve been an inspiration for so many and I applaud you! Here’s to new journeys! 🤙🏼😎


Hi Trav, I was at the Great Cut as well, but I was only there in the morning and evening cutting blocks. I donated about 14" and 6 Oz of hair. I committed to growing my hair out in around March of 2021 after discovering your videos. You specifically made me feel confident enough to grow out my mane. I discovered the Longhairs from your videos and quickly fell in love with them as well. I had no idea how long I would keep my hair or how long it would even get, but I told myself if it was around in 2024 still, I would go to the Great Cut and donate it. My long hair has given me power, made me confident in myself, and gotten me a girlfriend turned wife! Thank you for all you do. See you at the next Great Cut. P.S. the cut looks great!


Such a noble cause. God bless all of you.


Awesome brother I'm doing the same just not at a cool event . It's cool to think you're helping someone who would feel so much more confident with it. 🎉❤ 2 more months


The timing is great! I'm about to cut/donate my hair as well (next week), so we'll be near the same length. I've seen first hand how self-conscious adults with just minimal hair loss can get when going through something like cancer treatments. To imagine what a child who lost all their hair must feel, and knowing that we can help restore their confidence and positivity is something that brings me more joy than I've had in a while. I wish there was a cool event where I live, but posting it on the Mannered Manes page will have to be good enough.


You have been a great inspiration and added so much value to my hair care knowledge and acceptance around taking my hair care routines more seriously. You have an awesome heart and solid head of hair and this will bless a person in more ways than you know. GOD Bless you and your family Trav!


Was wanting to come to this event, but I only started my hair growth journey 14 months ago. Looking forward to hair growth videos Trav!
