What Happened To His Head?? Doctor Explains! #shorts #infection

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"Dude you got the mumps man you got the mumps!" LMFAO


Wow. I've never seen anyone with the mumps. My mum had them when she was little, but given that there's been a vaccine for decades, it's just not something you see every day.


If only there was some way to prevent these illnesses.


Fortunately mumps is really rare nowadays since the MMR vaccine. That’s why most ordinary people won’t recognise mumps when they see it.


I had the mumps in 1958 and as soon as I was done with the mumps oh, I got the measles. I missed three months of first grade


That’s a solid diagnosis … dude you got the mumps dude you got the mumps


In high school I got a headache in government class and just started feeling bad. My boyfriend was going to meet me at the base of the stairs after class and we were going to eat since it was a half day school day. I got to the landing and saw him and that’s all I remember. He said I looked at him and just fell forward. I would have face planted if he hadn’t run up to grab me. When I came to I didn’t remember. I thought it must be infected wisdom teeth which were scheduled for removal the next week. Called the Dentist and he said to run by and he’d x-Ray to see. He did see swelling in both jaws and upon an oral exam he told me to go to my regular physician as I had the Mumps. On crap! My Physician was also the Dr I worked for after school and on Saturday mornings. He 100% agreed Mumps in all glands. How? Then I remembered a few days earlier we had a 14 yr old boy come in and he was diagnosed with Mumps! He had to receive 2 injections and was throwing a fit and basically with his Mother’s help we gently restrained him. He was crying and coughing and basically out of his head due to a high fever. I was vaccinated but apparently he gave me the Mumps. Hello to 14 days bed rest and barely being able to raise my head and the high fever. I got the info that in women if you do not stay in bed and rest the Mumps can go down and as the Dr said I could need a laundry basket to carry my breast in and possibly be sterile. About 7 days in I could not stand my dirty hair so when Mother ran an errand I decided to wash my hair in the laundry room sink. I got it washed but when I stood up the lights went out. Mother found me out cold on that floor. Needless to say I didn’t do anything else stupid. I was released to go back to school the day before the prom. Was still so weak there was no dancing but it was fun. Mumps are nothing to play around with!


I lost my hearing in my left ear from nerve being destroyed from Mumps when I was 10 y/o. It swelled and moved up my left side of ear. Thank God my right ear had no damage from the mumps in it.


As soon as I saw his 'before' picture mumps immediately came to mind. Poor guy! My sister and I had the mumps in early grade school; we were sent to my grandmother's (always a 'happy dance' reaction) so our three older siblings wouldn't catch it from us. Luckily for us (and Nana & Pop) we had very mild cases and a wonderful stay with our amazing grandparents for a couple of weeks. I don't remember feeling sick in the least, but my grandmother was the kind of lady to keep your mind off of any discomfort you might have had.


Urgent Maybe even the ER’ Also this is why you give your kid the MMR vaccine!


I had Parotitis (AKA mumps) at 3 mo. old. Caught it from 14 y/o sister. The vaccine had not been out long, and I wasn’t old enough to get it. We really do not want a resurgence of these disease..trust me! Poor guy. I hope he is not left sterile from this 😢


Me and my sister got mumps (or one of the other ones in MMR) when we were too young to be vaccinated because some of the kids we were playing with had anti-vax parents and their kids who should’ve been vaccinated gave them to us. We almost died and my mum was furious, she cut out those parents.


Something similar happened to me. Started with a sore throat on Friday and by Saturday night my head and neck were massive. Despite having every vaccine I still thought I had the mumps. I ended up at the ER. The triage nurse thought I had the mumps too and I went straight back. The Dr. took one look at my throat and pointed out to the nurses that the position of my uvula told him it wasn't mumps. They said I had strep so bad that it had invaded my sinuses, salivary glands, and parotid glands. I had no idea that could happen. I couldn't moved my head at all. I looked like a basketball was placed on top of my torso. They gave me lots of shots. I think it was Demerol, antibiotics, and steroids. Then they sent me home with five prescriptions, two of which were nasal sprays. That is the sickest I have ever been. That was over 20 years ago, and oddly enough, the last time I had strep. Before that I would get it at least once every 1-2 years.


He sounds British, he’s got the NHS please focus on our sorry bu**s 😂


Dude ain't got the mumps... The mumps got HIM!! 😂


This happened to me a couple of years ago while in Mexico. I looked in the mirror and thought oh no I'm gaining weight bc it always starts on my face and I didn't have any other symptoms yet. Then my stepmom who's a doctor took one look at me and said I had the mumps and put me on antivirals. The next day it was on the front page of the newspaper that there was an outbreak in the area and I felt like crap for about a week.


I had the mumps and my mom put me in a dark room for days. Mumps can cause sterility.
The MMR vaccine wasn't mandatory back then.
I also got the Measles and Rubella.
I got Chicken Pox right after the Measles. I got to stay home for a whole month from school! Yea me! LOL!


A severe allergy could resemble same. 😢 run to a doc!


I love your channel. Not only do you make me laugh, I learned so much. Thank you.


I wonder if he's one of the uni students who got mumps together a couple of years ago. Either way, hopefully, he recovered quickly and didn't affect him lower down. It went around my uni luckily after I left, but I'm jabbed and dont go out much. Sadly, my area got hit hard by mumps, often with my friends not knowing they weren't jabbed until afterwards. But I imagine waking up like that is terrifying if you don't know why.
