How to manage honeybee bite and swelling after it ? - Dr. Sudheendra Udbalker

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Managing honey bee bites is basically about identifying how severe it is, how many bites have there been, are there several or one or few bites. It also depends on whether the patient is allergic to these bites. Less than 1%, that is 0.8 to 1% of people can be severely allergic to bites, where they present with anaphylactic shock kind of condition even in few honey bee bites. Those are emergency situations where the patient needs to be rushed to the hospital and then managed in an emergency. Few bites, if the person is not allergic can develop nausea, vomiting and sometimes giddiness. Hose would need treatment by antihistamines. Then again that had to go to the hospital. If there are few bites like one isolated bites, one or two isolated bites, then the first thing to do in an isolated honey bee bite is to remove the stinger. These stingers have a venom sack associated with it which will be releasing the venom continuously. The most important thing is to clean the wound, tease out this sting. Treat it with cold packs because it can be painful. Some ice packs can help in relieving the pain. Sometimes we give antibiotic creams with some mild hydrocortisone in it. So just soothen that area. If just one or few bites and you are not feeling uncomfortable, you just need to clean the area, remove the sting and apply these creams. There can be some swelling for few days post venom bite because the body is reacting to the venom which was locally deposited in the tissues. So that usually resorts in 3 -5 days period. So there is nothing to worry. There is a little redness and swelling around the bite area, but if the swelling is more, the pain is more and lot of redness and increased temperature, then it can be a secondary infection in that area which has to be treated accordingly.
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Mere bhi lagi thi aapke medicine ne kaam kiya tha
Thank u
Navya, India,Uttarakhand,Haldwani


Thankyou for your information, fighting a huge red swollen spot on my thigh!


your video was very helpful indeed. my left hand between small finger and the finger that comes after that is where a son of a bee stung me I was able to see the stinger pulse I used my finger nail and came rite off . THAT WAS 3 DAYS AGO
my hand has swollen up I try not to scratch very itchy so I search youtube on son of a bee stung my hand how to so im here just got done video and I can relax now doctor say 3 to 4 days swelling should subside or something. question WHY I GOT STUNG by HONEY BEE now swollen hand everything and I got stung by 3 WASPS at the same time why ? is honey bee venom more toxic than wasp venom ? wasp sting only lasted around 20 min and three days honeybee made my hand balloon IS IT DEPENDING ON person like you get much more reaction than me from wasp sting or I get more reaction from wasp but you don't from honeybee sting is that true ? thanks


My mother got stucked on finger and on upper portion of eyes 😔


I'm mildly allergic to sting's and had four stings...


Thank you Sir for the valuable information


One isolated bite by a carpenter bee in hand and it's swelling as hell


Aww you call it a bite. Thanks for the video, ill look for 3 days after my sting


One sting on my pinky has the back of my hand swollen. Not whole hand just most of it. One bite on my forearm has a good 4x4 inches swollen. 24 hours after sting. Took Claritin antihistamine and washed it. God I hope this goes down. I did get sweaty today and threw up a little bit I feel fine. No pain just fat AF🐝


If sting is not removed what will happen?.


I got stung on lips and my swelling is coming back again. What to do to solve this swelling problem ??


I got my stug my middle finger then I got itchy


Got stung in the bottom of my foot and have hard trouble walking


Got one between my fingers and it rubs together with the other 😫


Big carpainter bee bite me please make video in on black carpainter bee bite


My eye is big, bcoz of a random bee attack😶


Accent so strong I don't understand much 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got stung between my eyes know I looks like I have down syndrome


Sir make a video on scorpion bite, snake bite too... Pls.


Yellow fly also bite me, last two days and I also take cittirezen medicine but my swelling is not going .What I do??
