✅ WHAT? 1000W Solar LED Street Light? Let's Test This Out - Compare To Hardwired 150W LED

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Here's a solar powered LED street light with a claimed 1000W of power and 100,000 Lumens of light output. How does it perform compared to a AC powered 150W claimed LED barn light? Overall this solar light seems expensive for what you get, especially when I compare it to my hardwired units but it is nice that it is fully stand alone and needs no AC power. OKPRO sent this light to me for the unbiased review.

#OKPRO #ledlights #comparison #review #unboxing
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As someone who works for a solar lighting manufacturer - this is a great review - and a great showcase of how these systems are sold with inaccurate and dishonest information. It is frustrating to work in an industry where people will compare that "toy" solar light with one manufactured by a reputable company. This also leads people to believe that all solar lights are like this - when that is not the case at all. There are a handful of us manufacturers who provide accurate data and systems built to last. Thanks for your review!


You are right about the watt rating. It is not a measure of power consumption, it is an equivalency rating compared to traditional incandescent lights. When LED lighting first became available to consumers, manufacturers realized that consumers were familiar with measuring the light output of a bulb by the power it consumed. Since LEDs consume so little power, they had to add an equivalent watt rating to allow consumers to compare the output of LEDs to the output of traditional lights.


Excellent review! I really appreciated the overhead shots so that we could see the intensity and coverage area of each light. The use of a light meter was a surprise and that's what really made the difference for me. Descriptions of light products tends to be exaggerated (putting it mildly) so it's nearly pointless to go by what you read on some of those. Thanks. Liked and subbed.


Nate is living it up! Dude has tennis courts at his place.


Chinese suppliers from Zhongshan always overstate much LED's real power, they make 20W as 1000W! so when you buy solar light, check solar panel power and battery's capacity and you can calculate the real watt.


Outstanding video. Thank you so much for making this video. Simple, short, straight to the point and very educational. 👍👍💯♥️


We have a couple two 200W AC LED lights, one on the front lawn and one on the inner yard (200W true consumption). I prefer that solution as it is driven by my solar panels on the roof (16800Wp).
Due to maximized govt. subsidy this year, we will wait to get batteries until 2024 when we get another SEK 100.000 (about US$9100) in subsidy, but after that, we are pretty well equipped to use AC lighting outside. Now it is more that we save on the electricity bill during the day to "have left" for night lights. Great video, and as said very nice with the drone view to see the difference 👍
I think installing premium solar panels on the barn/garage is better than relying on (probably) less quality panels on every device, I don't mind installing some cabling to make it work, but I do see that for some it is more convenient to have all-in-one lights.


My god man i was about to order 10 of those solar lights. Thank you for sharing that information with us.


Friend, try the Philips SmartBright Solar products, they are the only ones I know of for sale that deliver the real power they promise....


glad I saw this just saved myself a headache for some boat dock lighting!


Great video. The lights are insane. Btw, I almost thought your Gary Sinise. 😂


as usual, the claims are outrageous. its getting out of hand. caveat emptor as always. thanks.


Solar has tons of potential since it was first talked of decades ago. Not much has changed and if the tech ever improves for real we will all hear about it. Stick with high quality hard wired.


Being plastic, and dark no less, is a hard no go in georgia sun. It wouldn't even last a year before going brittle and cracking. I haven't found a plastic yet that can survive where I live. Best ones last maybe 2-3 years. Light output was also disappointing.


I have a solar street light, it is very bright, I am very happy that it is wireless, it does not cost me a penny of electricity throughout the year. Spending more than two hundred dollars on a solar street light is a bargain for me.I'm looking forward to seeing this solar technology mature! wow!!!


Great analysis. Thank you. I like all the lights around your house. They look great.


I had two of these several years ago. Both failed right away. Parts fell off in the wind and they became a dangling string of parts connected by wires. I tried to rebuild them but to no avail. I finally just discontinued them. I still have all the parts in a cardboard box in my shop. Not worth the time to install.


I figured as much ! Thanks for the actual facts. Great Video


It is nice to be wireless, but I think the eco friendly appeal of these solar integrated items will be short lived (solar panels on cars, solar lights, solar roads). Hopefully once solar power is made cheaper and easier, they will be at high scale and optimized for getting the most power. Then we won’t have to worry about matching up solar to a usage 1:1 like these products do.


waoo, what a rip off of equipment...! thanks for the information and the work well done!
