Places Planes Don't Want to Fly Over

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Here are some places planes don't want to fly over!

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I used to live near the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California. There were times that the planes would get so low near the cars. It was awesome!


My great uncle was the first American pilot to fly over the Himalayas at night during WW2. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his service.


In the summer of 1980 I was flying from San Francisco to Anchorage with a stop in Seattle. Unfortunately I have forgotten which airline although Northwest Airlines is a possibility, as their pilots often played the role of tour guide pointing out many features below over the PA system, especially on this route. It was a clear early evening flight, and in those days it was not at all unusual for airlines to fly mostly empty with very few passengers, so there may have been only 15 or 20 of us on this flight, possibly a 727 or similar plane.

Recall that the Mt. St. Helens eruption had occurred that May. As we headed towards Washington state, the pilot announced that he would give us a real treat and asked everyone to move to a window seat on the left side of the plane. At that point he put the plane into a steep, left banking 360° turn, giving us a clear view straight down into the massive crater left after Mt. St. Helens blew its top completely off. With being able to see into the jaw of this massive hole, while severely banked over in a commercial airliner like never before or since, it was the most thrilling plane ride I ever had in my life. Not to mention, in those days everyone got a three course hot meal with a split of wine and real silverware.


I’m a retired Corporate Pilot and I’ve flown over Cuba at least 4 times, I’ve landed at St. Martin Airport many times and I’ve stood at the beach watching planes landing. It’s an awesome site. If you do proper planning there should be no issues. I’m now 71yo and I miss flying very much.


I have always read a lot about aviation. While my dad and I were on an airliner about 30 years ago, the jet hit some rough turbulence. My dad saw the wings flapping and went green. Attempting to comfort him, I told him "The wings of this craft can flap about 17.5 degrees before snapping off." He informed me that was not helping him, and he didn't want me to speak for the rest of the flight.


I remember the 2010 volcanic eruption and the no flying allowed. I was working I a nursery at the time, and it was so quiet when we were out in the garden! It was really Eerie and odd. You don't realise how often a plane flies over till its not there.


Mount Everest height just clicked to me. Just go outside, look up for a commercial plane and that's how tall it is. Wow.


3:07 Yes that would be the case for the jet fuel used in USA called Jet A (freezes at or below –40 °C or −40 °F), and the jet fuel almost the rest of the world uses called Jet A-1 (freezes at or below –47 °C or –53 °F).
However, there is also Jet-B (freezes at or below −60 °C or –76 °F) which is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance.


I'm gobsmacked they landed safely in an active volcano And weren't found for rescue for another two days! Absolutely amazing!!


14:28 in this segment, we could also include Gibraltar Airport because a motorway is crossing the runway, Thimphu Airport in Bhutan because of it's geography


In June of 1966, my family was flying to New Jersey from Texas, Austin Texas to be exact. When JFK was killed in Dallas in 1963, Governor John Connally was also shot. The day we were flying out, suddenly there were men with guns on the runway. Then a black limo drove out and several people got out. While my father seldom went to NJ with us, this year he did. He leaned over and told us that one of the men was the Governor. He and his party took over the last few rows of seats and we were bumped into first class. It only takes an hour to fly from Austin to Dallas, but after we were in the air, one of Connally's people came up and invited my father and mother to met with them. It was because my father was known to the Governor. So, not exactly scary, but it seems that after being shot in '63, Connally always flew in the back of planes - at least while he was still Governor.


All seasons

0:37 Tibetan Plateau
4:00 Lava Landings
8:37 Copter Crater


The British airways flight that went through the volcano ash was such a heart stopper when you watch the ACI videos of it. Amazing piloting by the crew


I don't fear flying. I fear crashing.


3:26 this led to major redesigns in how anti-ice works in aircraft. For anyone who wanted to know 😅


I have flown over the Pu'u'o'o crater. Granted it was inactive at the time, but the weather was bad and making the controls very shaky. It was also the same day as Kobe Bryant's death!


I am a pilot and I have never flown over any of these
Thankyou for spreading information BE Amazed. We need more people like you that spread information to new pilots and non pilots alike

Edit: I am a Qatar Airways Pilot


I loved your pronunciations! No idea if they were correct (I know the Icelandic volcano isn’t) but you said it with such authority and confidence and so quickly, you deserve applause 👏👏👏👏👏😄


The pronounciating of those hard names is very complimenting!


While commercial flying holds no fears for me, as I regard it as a boring bus ride just with wings, I also always have ear problems. I get high internal pressure at higher altitudes, making me basically deaf until it clears.
I greatly enjoy flying on small planes, that stay lower in altitude.
