New Rule: Progressophobia | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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Where progress has been made, it’s not a sin – and it’s certainly not inaccurate – to say we’ve come a long way, baby. Not mission accomplished. Just a long way.

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A couple years ago, when I just move to this country (I'm from Mexico) I was in a situation when another hispanic guy tried to disrespect me on the street and all the others guys inmediatelly stopped him and made him apologize. In my country it is so common to be harasser everywhere since you are a little girl that I felt so... weird, nobody ever stood for me. So I told my husband, he is american, and he told me "well, why that guy behaved like a counstruction worker from the 70s". It was the first time I realized this society has progressed a lot.
I really don't get that people that cries saying everything is worst when obviously is not, trust me, I saw how things were when I studied american history for my citizenship exam. And definitely it has progressed a lot if we compare with my country or other countries. But I won't get there. My point that probably nobody is going to read is, dear american people, it may not be perfect but you have achieved a lot, there is a reason why so many people want to come to this country. Give your self more credit, because you deserve it and you are on the right path. Keep with the good work.


I’m a conservative but I love watching this show. We might have a different outlook on political issues but I love the common sense and being able to disagree with your own side. Both sides should stand up for what’s right and wrong and not give a pass just because they have a D or an R beside their name. Keep up the good work sir!


For those of us tired of this country's growing obsession with victimization...thank you!


This is the reason I watch this show. He's got a great attitude that reflects a large portion of adults out there. Keep up the great work Bill!


Stop making sense, Bill. They're gonna turn on ya.


"Here's the thing kids: There actually was a world before you got here." I think that's the greatest thing I've ever heard Bill say. Too bad the ones that need to hear it probably aren't watching.


Kudos to the script writers. Kudos to Bill! I hope that this will become a classical piece in history.


Yep. I'm a lifelong libertarian and most of my friends were once liberals. Most of them are still my friends but afraid of what I might say in public. Bill is someone I could argue with over a pitcher in the local, knowing we'd both enjoy it and leave thinking it was an evening well spent.


Welcome to the fringe center. Where those who acknowledge reality and have a historical perspective find themselves politically homeless.


Bill is really an independent. He raises the BS flag on both sides of the fence and at least tries to navigate life with a moral compass. And that’s why I like him.


100% spot on Bill. When you're right, you're right, can't even argue.


I love this channel. It operates in the perfect eye of the storm of left and right. Not a preachy leftist show nor a hateful far right show. Just straight facts


I’m a conservative. I find myself listening to Bill more and more…he is making sense to me.


I don’t agree with Maher on a lot of things, but every once in a while he knocks it out of the park. I dealt with REAL systemic bigotry as a soldier living under DADT—we’re far better as a country than we were even two decades ago. A sense of gratitude isn’t unwarranted.


I can't believe I missed this riff. One of Bill's best ever.


So Im a straight white Christian millennial. I'm very libertarian in my beliefs but on certain issues I lean more to the right. I'm normally not the type of person to watch Bill Maher. But man this man is spot on. If I can vibe so much with someone who holds many beliefs that oppose mine I truly believe that what he is saying is true. That we are well on our way to an equal and just society. We're not there yet but we're well on our way. Thank you Mr Maher. I may not agree with you on everything but I damn well agree with you on this and in a strange way it's very inspiring.


Wow. Well done, Bill, and your writing staff. The importance of celebrating victories is that those victories are proof that change is possible from that proof we can draw hope to keep going forward.


I’m a Conservative, but I’ve come to appreciate (and enjoy) Bill Maher’s common sense. Well done!


" Being outwardly cruel to people who are different " very much still, is as prevalent as ever . it's just the criteria that has changed . Now it's anyone who doesn't thoughtlessly regurgitate your orthodoxy that's a target.


Speaking as a person who was born in the 60's, we have made HUGE amounts of progress, just mind-blowing amounts, in many areas! If someone had told me in the 80's that gay marriage would not only be the law of the land but that people would generally support it, I would not have believed them. The wide-spread acceptance of mixed race couples and their children is also a miracle. We still have a long way to go but we have come very far from where we were when I was a kid.
