A Bitsandclips Baby! | bitsandclips

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I'd love to see a bit every day even if it's white walls and altzeimers tears. <3


Yay bits and clips family!! Can't wait to see rainbow baby come April! I know he/she will be just as sweet and adorable as big sister and brother! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy, momma, and baby!
I vote you film when you feel up to it and upload when you can. ☺️


You do you in whatever way you want to / can manage because that's what we love.


I'm so sorry you're having another rough pregnancy, and im heartbroken over your loss... ❤️

As a long loyal viewer, I feel like you don't need to feel too pressured to keep up with the weeklybit if you require no stimulation to feel semi-human. Just film when you can, and maybe some Pregnancy updates/stories? I'm not talking about the 1084918 other updates, but some belly progression and comparisons to your other pregnancies.

And btw I totally understand the weird tricks to feel better. I think of the color of a cool minty green. Like icy cold green... and being freezing cold is also a must. Soothing. 🌿


I the sit down chatty vlogs. I'm so happy for you and your family!


1. Yay mystery baby!

2. I just like to get videos. I think compiling all the happy videos into one would make for an amazing little weekly bit but I'd rather have a one minute bits-n-clips-baby-snippet every week than a 10 minute video every five.

3. Absolutely fun pregnancy stories. Pregnancy frightens me so it's great to have a little section of the internet for fun.

Love you Marie!


Congrats on your rainbow! I'd love to see a Scarlet shower (you could even just throw a giftless shower if you already have what you need, just to get everyone together to celebrate the incoming baby)! As for weekly bits, rest when you need it. But if turning a camera on helps make the wall-staring less boring, then by all means do it :)


My Mum calls herself "Florence Nightgown" when she's still done up and wearing her nightie! :) You look wonderful, and I can't wait to see you next month!!


There is something so comforting about an old lady gown - it just reaches a whole new level in the couch/bed game 😍 weekly bit ideas: I love the stories!! Please more! Only film when you're up for it Marie - we don't want you to feel worse for us. We love you and want to see your face, but we also want you to feel better 💕 maybe you could do vintage bits- old footage to look back on as your family is growing! Or maybe you could share special memories of Scarlett and Luca - just you talking - that way you won't have to move from your comfy nest! 😊


The reading story is so cute!! My oldest is our strongest reader and watching her read to her siblings seriously fills my heart with joy 😍


June babies are the best woo (i'm one too), the story about luca saying goodmorning and scarlet learning to read for the baby was so cute i almost cried <3


We want to see you as often as you can ! even the bad days


I cannot tell you how much this video warms my heart! I have three children my self and have also lost due to miscarriages and I hope you can feel all of the love that we as subscribers are sending to you and your family!
Maybe Scarlett can throw you a baby shower and in lew of gifts-each guest can bring a perennial flower/plant/scrub, etc and they can all help plant this celebration garden and it can be a garden to celebrate your new baby as well as your rainbow baby in heaven. All of the different colors of the flowers will create a rainbow of love and support for your family!
I'll keep you in my prayers!


Congratulations! Hope you feel better soon!


Congratulations!!! Spring is the perfect season...new life, new beginnings, new baby. I'm so happy for y'all!


I feel for you 💗 pregnancy is hard for me too, especially early pregnancy!


Congratulations! I am so excited to see another gorgeous and kind bitsandclips baby. Lots of love to Ryan and Scarlet and Luca- Scarlet learning extra-hard to read made my heart all happy. She's such a wonderful big sister.


Started crying when you were talking about Scarlet wanting to throw you a baby shower and being motivated to learn to read so she could with the baby! Such sweet kids you've got - I'm sure the next one will be gorgeous too. So excited and happy for you. Congratulations, Marie (and Ryan!) ❤️


Just wanted to say that your comment about having a kid who will never have to live in a world like this one brought me a lot of comfort. Thank you.


Aww Scarlett wanting to be able to ready to the new baby is adorable!!
