'TED Talk 2023 - Peter Weyland' - Viral zu PROMETHEUS - Dunkle Zeichen [3D]

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Peter Weyland: "T. E. Lawrence, eponymously Lawrence of Arabia but very much an English man favoured pinching a burning match between his fingers to put it out. When asked his a colleague William Potter to reveal his trick, how is it he so effectively extinguished the flame without hurting himself whatsoever, Lawrence just smiled and said the trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts. The fire that danced at the end of that match was a gift from the titan Prometheus, a gift that he stole from the Gods, and Prometheus was caught and brought to justice for his theft. The gods, you might say they overreacted a little, the poor man was tied to a rock as an eagle ripped through his belly and ate his liver over and over, day after day, ad infinitum, all because he gave us fire our first true piece of technology, fire. 100,000 BC: stone tools, 4000 BC: the wheel, 9th century AD: Gundpowder, a bit of a gamechanger that one, 19th century, Eureka! : The lightbulb, 20th Century: The automobile, television, nuclear weapons, space craft, internet, 21st Century: biotech, nanotech, fusion and fission and M theory and that was just the first decade. We are not three months into the year of our Lord, 2023. At this moment in our civilisation, we can create cybernetic individuals who in just a few short years will be completely indistinguishable from us, which leads to an obvious conclusion, we are the Gods now.

For those of you know know me, you will be aware by now my ambition is unlimited, you know that I will settle for nothing short of greatness or I will die trying. For those of you who do not yet know me, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Peter Weyland, and if you indulge me, I'd like to change the world"

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Prometheus - Ab 9. August im Kino!

Regisseur Ridley Scott kehrt zu dem Genre zurück, das er mit „Alien" und „Blade Runner" mitgeprägt hat. In PROMETHEUS - DUNKLE ZEICHEN geht eine Forschergruppe (u.a. Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender) Hinweisen auf die Ursprünge menschlichen Lebens nach, die sie auf eine spannende und gefährliche Reise zu den dunkelsten Ecken des Universums führen. Dort müssen sie sich einem schrecklichen Kampf stellen, um die Zukunft der Menschheit zu retten...

PROMETHEUS - DUNKLE ZEICHEN startet am 9. August 2012 bundesweit im Kino.

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I thought Guy Pearce as a younger Weyland was much more convincing.


Sorry dafür. In der Videobeschreibung haben wir jetzt zumindest ein Transcript ergänzen können.


Schade, dass diese wirklich gute Szene nicht im Film war!


Kurz gesagt: Bei Größenwahn fängt er erst an.


The trick Potter.. Is not minding that it hurts.


I had no idea that this Aussie actor (Guy Pearce)was the old man from prometheus!


...and you wonder why director shane black hired guy pearce to be in iron man 3.


The Lawrence of Arabia reference is so awkwardly thrown in there
