Foundations (41 of 60): Justification by Faith Alone - RC Sproul

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Every Román catholic believer should know that there is not any contradiction beteween Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,  we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Here Paul is talking about justification by faith alone.
He is talking about salvation worked for sinners who are dead in their tresspases and sins accirding to Ephesians 2. What can a dead person do? Anything of course.
In James 2: 24 we must take into account the context for example in verse 18 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
In this verse James is talking about the justification of the faith, system of believings.
James is asking us that we must justified, prove the faith we profess by deeds.
It is not the samething to talk about works for salvation than talking about works after salvation.
We are save by faith alone not by works, but since we have been saved, .now we work.
James does not have to do anything with salvation, but proving what we say we believe.


Every Protestant that proclaims that we are justified by Faith Alone should HEAR these FOUR words by James 2:24 RINGING in their EARS:

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone."

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone."

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone."

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone." 

"not by faith alone."

The Protestant Scripture Twister Series #4 - Luther 2:24


Doctrinal energies maybe saved for instance Jesus's promise in his own life term of seeing the Kingdom with God's chosen ones that they already justified without Lord's Judgements, since any Established sects degress back to Medieval darkness soonest.
