How To Play Android 17 | Fusion World Archetype 101 | Dragon Ball Guide & Gameplay

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Espira breaks down how to play the Green Android Deck from Dragon Ball Fusion World's Awakened Pulse set!

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I like to add some Android 19 cause he's a 25000 two drop that can help go wide if need, helps with the android requirement for dr's lab and it's a 10000 combo


I have been play testing androids on ladder quite a bit now and I do have to say I love the deck. Some things I would say
I think the big turn to discuss is that playing lab on three is a death sentence against cooler or U7. It makes for a situation where you need to hit vegeta on 4 to follow up ramp/relieve pressure, then androids/sec gohan on the following turn to finally stabilize. The deck feels great as long as you hit those pieces, past that it feels like the worst green deck. I've been playing around with instant kamehameha to add more combo power, you discard an android from energy then put it back the following turn with lab but that also feels situational. I have the deck built and the hard part is playing into other green matchups as it frequently comes down to who brolly's more.


Funny, I’ve made a nearly identical decklist, but without the Androids cost 4, because IMHO it too expensive to pay this for self awakening, and nobody wants Green take is time to ramp so losing HP seems not to be a problem.

I prefer using #16 cost 3, because it’s really easy to give him the 30K stats, for cost it’s valuable, and is combo 10K if you keep him in your and can make the difference. But yeah, really close visions. ☺️


Hey Espira always helpful, informative content. I tried scouring the Internet on some info on how to play energy efficiently. What's the golden rules. Turn 1 do I use a 1 energy card or should I use a 5 energy card. Just wanted to get your take on that. I think it would be nice to have a little guide on how to use energy efficiently so I don't play greedily Thanks!


Moah works well to get to lab plus means you search gigantic if need to or tech extras


I agree with alot of what you are saying. But it feels just so bad playing Lab on 3 and doing nothing else for the turn.


Can you add deck codes to your descriptions?


quick question.
Is there a reason why i cant use some alternate art cards in the deck? for example the 4 cost frieza. the normal one goes into the deck no problem but the alternate art one stays grayed out.... i havent been able to figure that out.. it is odd that i can only see the alternate odd one if i go to all cards though but it says i own 2 copies.


Can someone explain why playing the lab turn 3 is better than 4 cuz at 3 energy you can’t ramp you just play it


Can the Android 20 searcher get the 17/18 SR? The only reason i dont run him is because i dont know the answer to this question lol
