How to make an EIA Report | Environmental Impact Assessment | Corpbiz

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So as you may know, the purpose of the #EIA for any project is to obtain #environmental clearance. Road networks, water supply and management, energy production, supply and #management, communication services, and many such infrastructural projects are all part of development projects. So at the time of Selection of the site, the proponent must ensure that the land use status of the proposed area is consistent with the area's approved Development Plan. If no approved Plan exists, approval from the competent authorities should be obtained. Conducting the EIA is the next step. The projects that require an Environmental Impact Assessment report are designated as Category A and 'B1', while the remaining projects are designated as Category 'B2' that do not need this assessment. Projects and activities identified as Category 'B'.
So let’s understand the Generic Structure of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
According to the MoEF's EIA guidelines issued in 2006 for Development projects, the generic format of the EIA document should include
• Introduction
• Project Description
• Environmental Description
• Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures
• Alternatives Analysis (Technology and Site)
• Environmental Monitoring Programme
• Additional Studies
• Project Benefits
• Environmental Management Plan
• Summary & Conclusion
• Disclosure of Consultants engaged
So when we talk about the composition of the above format, details like the project proponent's profile, contact information, Brief Description of Project etc must be included. In this section the Details on the project such as its nature, size, location, and significance to the country and the area must be mentioned. The action plan must be properly described in terms of existing national and international environmental laws. If any restrictions or limitations are imposed by the district administration, state, or central government, these should be included. Details of any litigation pending against the project or the proposed site in any court of should be provided.
In the event of project expansion or modernization, the environmental compliance status for the current project should be provided and must include
Lets see the documents required in case of EIA for development projects
• Status of Environmental Clearance and compliance with the terms and conditions for the existing project.
• Validity of the Air & Water Consent orders,
• Hazardous Waste Authorization for the existing project.
• Notices/directions issued by regulatory agencies under section 33(A) of the Water Act, and section 31(A) of the Air Act 1981 during the last year.
• Identification of Natural Hazard Prone Areas into Earthquake Prone Areas, Cyclone Prone Areas, Flood Prone Areas, or Land Slide Prone Areas
(we will have a detailed video on the guidelines for such Hazard Prone areas in our upcoming videos)
Let's understand the guidelines issued for development projects in different areas
First, let's talk about how the guidelines address the rights of workers. To ensure the health and safety of construction workers, effective provisions for basic sanitation, drinking water, and equipment or mechanical safety, among other things, must also be made as a part of your EIA.
Next is Taking the interests of the local community into account: so The Guidelines for development projects insist on highlighting the advantages of the proposed project to the community, the region, and the country. It can also include beneficial details such as Improvements to the project's physical infrastructure and any auxiliary businesses that may emerge as a result of the project.
Development of supporting infrastructure: The guidelines suggest Improvements to social infrastructure such as roads, trains, townships, housing, water supply, electricity, drainage, educational institutions, and hospitals, among other things. Employment potential for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labour during the construction and operational phases of the project must also be highlighted.
Next is skill development: Special attention should be paid to the employment potential of the local population as well as the need to impart relevant skills to them in order to train them to be eligible for such employment in the project on a long-term basis, i.e., during the operational and maintenance stages of the project.
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So let’s understand the Generic Structure of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
According to the MoEF's EIA guidelines issued in 2006 for Development projects, the generic format of the EIA document should include
• Introduction
• Project Description
• Environmental Description
• Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures
• Alternatives Analysis (Technology and Site)
• Environmental Monitoring Programme
• Additional Studies
• Project Benefits
• Environmental Management Plan
• Summary & Conclusion
• Disclosure of Consultants engaged
So when we talk about the composition of the above format, details like the project proponent's profile, contact information, Brief Description of Project etc must be included. In this section the Details on the project such as its nature, size, location, and significance to the country and the area must be mentioned. The action plan must be properly described in terms of existing national and international environmental laws. If any restrictions or limitations are imposed by the district administration, state, or central government, these should be included. Details of any litigation pending against the project or the proposed site in any court of should be provided.
In the event of project expansion or modernization, the environmental compliance status for the current project should be provided and must include
Lets see the documents required in case of EIA for development projects
• Status of Environmental Clearance and compliance with the terms and conditions for the existing project.
• Validity of the Air & Water Consent orders,
• Hazardous Waste Authorization for the existing project.
• Notices/directions issued by regulatory agencies under section 33(A) of the Water Act, and section 31(A) of the Air Act 1981 during the last year.
• Identification of Natural Hazard Prone Areas into Earthquake Prone Areas, Cyclone Prone Areas, Flood Prone Areas, or Land Slide Prone Areas
(we will have a detailed video on the guidelines for such Hazard Prone areas in our upcoming videos)
Let's understand the guidelines issued for development projects in different areas
First, let's talk about how the guidelines address the rights of workers. To ensure the health and safety of construction workers, effective provisions for basic sanitation, drinking water, and equipment or mechanical safety, among other things, must also be made as a part of your EIA.
Next is Taking the interests of the local community into account: so The Guidelines for development projects insist on highlighting the advantages of the proposed project to the community, the region, and the country. It can also include beneficial details such as Improvements to the project's physical infrastructure and any auxiliary businesses that may emerge as a result of the project.
Development of supporting infrastructure: The guidelines suggest Improvements to social infrastructure such as roads, trains, townships, housing, water supply, electricity, drainage, educational institutions, and hospitals, among other things. Employment potential for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labour during the construction and operational phases of the project must also be highlighted.
Next is skill development: Special attention should be paid to the employment potential of the local population as well as the need to impart relevant skills to them in order to train them to be eligible for such employment in the project on a long-term basis, i.e., during the operational and maintenance stages of the project.
Phone:- 7838392800
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