84. Databricks | Pyspark | Azure Data Factory + Azure Databricks: Execute Notebook Via ADF

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Azure Databricks Learning: Execute Azure Databricks Notebook through Azure Data Factory
How can we execute the databricks notebook from Azure data factory?
Azure data factory is known for its scheduling features so it is chosen as a scheduler for most of the projects. To execute the notebook from ADF, Azure Data Factory provides Notebook activity through which notebook can be invoked.
To get through understanding of this concept, please watch this video
#DatabricksNotebookActivity, #ADFtoDatabricks, #NotebookViaADF, #DatabricksScheduling, #AzureDataFactory, #DatabricksIntegrationwithADF, #ADF,#PysparkTips, #DatabricksRealtime, #SparkRealTime, #DatabricksInterviewQuestion, #DatabricksInterview, #SparkInterviewQuestion, #SparkInterview, #PysparkInterviewQuestion, #PysparkInterview, #BigdataInterviewQuestion, #BigdataInterviewQuestion, #BigDataInterview, #PysparkPerformanceTuning, #PysparkPerformanceOptimization, #PysparkPerformance, #PysparkOptimization, #PysparkTuning, #DatabricksTutorial, #AzureDatabricks, #Databricks, #Pyspark, #Spark, #AzureDatabricks, #AzureADF, #Databricks, #LearnPyspark, #LearnDataBRicks, #DataBricksTutorial, #azuredatabricks, #notebook, #Databricksforbeginners
How can we execute the databricks notebook from Azure data factory?
Azure data factory is known for its scheduling features so it is chosen as a scheduler for most of the projects. To execute the notebook from ADF, Azure Data Factory provides Notebook activity through which notebook can be invoked.
To get through understanding of this concept, please watch this video
#DatabricksNotebookActivity, #ADFtoDatabricks, #NotebookViaADF, #DatabricksScheduling, #AzureDataFactory, #DatabricksIntegrationwithADF, #ADF,#PysparkTips, #DatabricksRealtime, #SparkRealTime, #DatabricksInterviewQuestion, #DatabricksInterview, #SparkInterviewQuestion, #SparkInterview, #PysparkInterviewQuestion, #PysparkInterview, #BigdataInterviewQuestion, #BigdataInterviewQuestion, #BigDataInterview, #PysparkPerformanceTuning, #PysparkPerformanceOptimization, #PysparkPerformance, #PysparkOptimization, #PysparkTuning, #DatabricksTutorial, #AzureDatabricks, #Databricks, #Pyspark, #Spark, #AzureDatabricks, #AzureADF, #Databricks, #LearnPyspark, #LearnDataBRicks, #DataBricksTutorial, #azuredatabricks, #notebook, #Databricksforbeginners