Chris Wilder | Barnsley 1-0 Sheffield United | Post Match Reaction

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Hahaha Wilder not taking responsibility everyone else’s fault. End of a bell


He's trying not to be embarrassed about not being bothered!!


He says that he is disappointed ... so he should be !!
We definitely need to keep hold of Gus Hamer, if he is sold to Leeds then the supporters will have been sold too ... Down the river once again. We are supposed to be building a team, don't demolish it before it's built. Stop the selling of our best players.


He can be mardy all he wants, he’s picked the side. Didn’t take Barnsley seriously with that lineup. Regardless if they played the way he wants he’s the manager he’s the one who has to accept the responsibility end of. All this saying what the fans want to hear is boring now. Just say you got it wrong Chris.


Have faith in chris wilder he will prove a lot of the doom merchants wrong come the end of the season😊😊😊


Bang on Chris just wasn’t good enough no excuses


I think Blades are being too hard on Wilder. The big objective is rebuild, it doesn’t happen immediately. New owners, new energy will help.


Why doesn't anyone mention how easy it should have been for Davies to simply drop on that cross that he laughingly tried to throw a boot at??!!


Whenever I look at comments on United videos these days I always feel old because most the people commenting obviously aren’t old enough to remember when we was proper shit. When did this fan base become so entitled? I mean fuck me, we’ve got back one of the greatest managers the clubs ever seen and already people are getting stuck into him. I was one of his biggest critics towards end of his first spell when it came to blaming everyone but himself but I’m so happy to have him back and I’m so sick of the managerial merry go round I don’t give a fuck if he takes us down to the conference, I still want him to lead this team. Really, if you haven’t learned by now that we never invest in the club and get the best managers and we always sell our best players at cut prices then you either aint been a blade long enough or you’re deluded. This guy is the best we will get for the market we work in and he fucking lives for the Blades. Fucking love Chris Wilder! UTB


"I got it wrong" would've done god he talks a right load of bollocks 🤣


Barnsley could have beaten Wednesday at Wembley with the ball taking slightly different deflections on the day and having a man sent off! I'm not surprised United lost to them with some of their more experienced players not picked!


Blades need to sign Bamford from Leeds - rumour has it he'd be open to a move. Up against 3 big centre halves and lacking goals he would be an awesome and inexpensive solution. 😉


"the players I picked weren't ready for 90 minutes.
"The players I picked don't have enough first team minutes because I've not given them that opportunity"
"I made subs at the wrong time"
"I picked the wrong team"
"My tactics were wrong"

Any of those sentences would do but as usual passing the blame on to the players and complaining about the referee rather than taking responsibility


BFC fan in peace..
Don’t mind wilder and blades i think he is decent, maybe not as good as one of our own in hecky?
Sure some blades will agree?
I think you’ll do ok this season if u keep yer best players, here’s hoping you beat the fritzels sorry massives…🐷🐷twice this season !!!
Good luck for rest of season
BFC 1887


It’s just the cup. Time to focus on the league, gel as a team and grow. UTB⚔️


Wilder blaming the Ref. 🤣 Change the admit you didn't give Barnsley much respect.


He needs to take responsibility rather than blaming everyone else, guys a fraud


We need to go down the left wing as much as we are going down the right.
Saying that... Brooks, instead of skinning his man and whipping a cross in from the bye-line always chooses to check back onto his left foot and the momentum is gone.
We need a left and right wing attack, simple as that (but like I say, crosses on the run from the goal-line)'s lethal at this level. Easy being a strategist int it!? 😂
Kieffer Moore would get 20 goals that way and the scraps would create a bucket full.


Avoid Facebook too many cry babies calling for Chris head 🤣🤦 absolute bunch of 🔔 🔚.

Moaning about Chris, no plan a or b, Brewster being captain. Blah blah

11 changes, the youth didn't do to badly and we only lost 1-0.

Brewster looked good as a captain, ignore performance, he was over to the ref alot! Sticking up for the players and doing a captain's job.

Anel became captain, doesn't communicate with anyone doesn't stick up for the boys with the ref, and then does his usual makes a cock up, then chases the player who pings it passed him into the open space he left in defence allowing Barnsley through (shocking defender)


Excruciating football. Pedestrian at times. Thankfully not the starting 11
