Last Epoch Vs Diablo 4 Vs Path Of Exile

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Last Epoch Vs Diablo 4 Vs Path Of Exile
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Last Epoch Vs Diablo 4 Vs Path Of Exile


I think this graph is spot on as I have played all 3 and can’t wait for 1.0 launch. I like the skill system and how much detail there is without being overwhelmed. Thanks for the vid breaking it down for us.


My life is complete.

We now have the Kahn Academy of video game reviews.

Love it!!!


also to complete my first comments on a different subject, when I played POE i tried to do it my self (no build guide) it was a mistake, then I did like 1-2 character following a build it was woking ! but I felt like I was playing someone else game maybe because i didnt really understand what i was doing. In Last Epoch even if I follow a guide I understand so much faster what is the goal that I can deviate from the build to play my own.


It's crazy how accurate this actually is


I didn't enjoy D4 at the start. I thought early lvling was painful. Their builder/spender design is terrible. D4 was a flatline from start to finish. Meanwhile at level 6 in LE my paladin can WW aka Warpath infinitely. No need to generate resources with a basic attacks, or spam shouts to spin. Just fun from the start with great skill design that make the play through really amazing. Where D4 is a non stop resource slog of bad design that you try to fix with gear eventually. Builder/spender game design sucks. To be clear D4 campain is good but that doesn't make it fun from the start. Class design makes the game fun from lvl 1. ARPGs are all about Class design and Loot.


This is a fair POV on all three games.


We out here spread sheeting our potential level of fun. You love to see it.


Was searching for homemade brew recipes and came across this. This is what I was really looking for. 👍


last epoch is a blast played all 3 i felt home playing LE and it will keep getting better with more updates


Coming back to arpg after a good while (since Titan Quest 10 years ago), this video is exactly what I needed to know where to start


shoutout for using dark background for the graph!


My perspective of primarily playing D4 in recent memory (have not played since s2 before Christmas) going into Last Epoch I was blown away by how fun my character got so early. By around lvl 25 my warpath void knight felt more fun and more complete than like a lvl 80 WW barb. I was super bummed to realize the servers are down for 1.0 prep when I got home from work today. I'm definitely going to get at least 100 hours out of Last Epoch launch.


I'm not worried about the games I play after work, I'm worried about the games I play AT work...


Feels pretty accurate as a long time PoE player and now having played D4 and LE. Looking forward to see what LE endgame will give us as the cycles are released.


I've tried it after seeing some friends played it and jumped in, it's exactly what I've been wanting in an ARPG since diablo 2. I used to love d2, back in the day, which is why I was sad I don't like POE. POE commits a few cardinal sins, the main one being: don't get in the players way of running around and clicking monsters. What? Skill gems? Then you fiddle around but then you realise that you can't possibly plan out a proper build, and then there's an ascendency. So what happens? You end up doing the OPPOSITE of what the skill tree was designed for, you follow pre-made, cookie cutter builds just like you did in diablo 2, except now it's 10x less fun and more punishing.
Either give players the ability to experiment if you're going to literally design the game that way, or just don't bother.

Last Epoch feels like, to me, the FIRST worthy successor of D2 that lives up to its quality. I'm surprised it took so long for it to happen (20 years?). The leveling is actually fun, and less intrusive, and you actually have the ability to experiment freely with your builds, while having to lock into your mastery/ascendancy. I feel like this is a completely fair trade off as you only have to make each character once, within that spec.


I was going to ask where Grim Dawn fits in, but I realized its already on the graph; the Fun index line, that is full vertical, thats the Grim Dawn line. Fun all the way through!


Thanks for the insight.
Ps. Thanks Asmon for introducing me to this channel.


Your D4 fun graph is pretty spot on for me. I play each season and complete the journey, but it's around 80-85 that I realize I'm only then just checking the journey boxes off, but not caring about the content anymore. Still like the game and all, but it needs the itemization overhaul and something else in endgame. The get this key to do this boss for this key is not my favorite loop.


Pretty good analysis. That's my feeling as well.
