Why we Need Social Impact Education to Change the World | Misha Kouzeh | TEDxYouth@SilverSpurRd

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Took her for two classes! Love her so much.


Thank you so much for sharing this important message with us, Misha! As a millennial, I've found myself so often wanting to tackle multiple issues/ideas at the same time, only to not accomplish any of them. We're such an experiment generation as millennials, and sometimes we take one step forward and two back, but it is my hope that somehow we're getting there! I have hope in us and in the youth.


Great topic and thanks for sharing Misha. Educating the youth will ensure a sustainable world for all! Thanks for being a great educator in our UCLA Global Business Practices in Sustainability!


I love hearing how you built this course at UCLA Extension – it's amazing how you made an impact on so many people from all over the world! I just hope other schools and businesses can see the same relevance and potential because the social impact conversation should be given a lot more attention in education.


This is amazing, thank you for sharing your brilliant ideas Misha! Social impact education is very much needed, especially now. Not only would it positively impact the world as a whole, but also the people who would help make these changes. This form of education would also help students prepare and grow to be the innovative leaders that are needed in the world.
