who sent me this video bro... [SSS #058]

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This was a wild CURSED week of #SpookyScarySunday if I've ever seen one...

PLEASE check out more works from the FILM MAKERS:


Jesus said to love one another and that we should be servants to each other, so I would ask that you all do that in the comment section. Be respectful. We are a community. That means more to me than anything. Thank you.


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Appreciate you bro. Wouldn’t be here without you.


Cory: "I'm gonna try and get 4 Sunday's in a row"
*whispers: "these fools think I'm serious"


Dear Cory,

I am Reiley Martin. I have watched you ever since I was a child. Through all of my parents and relatives saying "That guy just yells at everything, he's too loud." I still watched. You have brought some of the happiest moments in my life, but also the saddest. I am about to graduate from high school this coming Friday. I just got out of the Hospital for the second time in my life from being very close to dying. And I am about to confess my feelings to a girl that is graduating with me that I have liked for 7 years with a written letter. You have been a part of my life through out all of this. You have been my idol and mentor. You were there for me when my parents split, when my dad moved away from me and my family, when I went to the hospital, when I graduated Middle School, during the pandemic, all of it. I want to thank you for that. You kept my spirits up. But I need you. One last time, before I graduate. We all need you. You keep leaving us with no note, no check up, no letting us know you're ok. We know you might not be comfortable sharing with us what is going on in your life. And that's ok, we all respect your privacy. But we need to know you're still there and ok. Just a Tweet every once and a while. My Grandpa just had to go into surgery for cancer to be removed and he is now back in the Hospital because he has internal bleeding. My Grandma is going into surgery for her back. If I can share this with 13.5M people, then you can at least give us something. We will all wait here for you because that's what we do, we know how to wait for you, and we will wait for you for the rest of our lives, because you're worth waiting for. But after all of these times of leaving and not saying why or not giving us check-ins, it's getting really hard. I need you Cory; just one last time. For me. And if not for me, for the samurai. Love you man.

Yours sincerely,

Reiley Martin

- A Samurai

Update: She blocked me on Instagram. I now not only have lost my mentor and roll model, but my love I’ve had for 8 years. My grandparents are both still ok right now, but they’re having a very rough time.

Update: 7/17/22

My grandparents got out of surgery. My grandfather had 6inc of intestines removed. He has to go into get a CAT scan every 6 months for the next 10 years for the Cancer. My grandma had back surgery to take shards of bone out of her cartilage and tissue in her spine. She is getting much better now, able to drive to the store to get groceries. But both of them are struggling a whole hell of a lot right now. Especially my grandpa.

Life is shit being thrown at you. Living is learning how to deal with it, learn from it, and move on
- Reiley Martin

*guess I just made my own quote now*

Update 3/1/24

Wow, time sure does fly by. Two years huh. I ended up moving back out to the East Coast where I grew up in Ohio. Trying to make a life for myself. It’s hard out here right now with this economy, but I know we’ll pull through. Cory’s been out for about a year now. And this time I think he’s gone for real. It least in terms of doing it regularly. He might come back every now and then to give us a check-in. But I think his glory days are over unfortunately. All we have are our memories of growing up with him. Who knows, Little Nightmares III is set to announce a release date soon and he said on his Little Nightmares II Finale that he would and I quote, “Be back a year from now when ya’ll make Little Nightmares III”. And I never thought they would. But here we are. So maybe I’ll see ya’ll over there. Until then, samurai love my brothers ⚔️


Anybody else back here binging all the sss episodes currently waiting for cory to upload? Or just me?


Cory: ”I’m gonna hit 4 Sundays in a row.”
Also Cory: * is gone for four Sundays in a row *


These intros just get scarier and more creepy, seriously, Cory really knows how to scare his audience, without the use of jumpscares. That’s impressive


cory : “imma need y’all to go crazy next week”

also cory : disappears for a month


Im convinced that Cory fell into the backrooms shortly after uploading this video.


Cory: “I’ll release 4 SSS’s in a row”

Also Cory in the past three weeks: 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗


Cory:”I’m gonna hit 4 Sundays in a row”
Also Cory: * is gone for four Sundays in a row*


Love how the first one relates to the Afton family.

“You killed him, only for a while” represents how William comes back to life multiple times.

The fire scene if probably be when micheal and henry set the pizzeria on fire.
9:48 is also Henry speaking, And puppet - i think is called Charlotte or charlie is Henrys daughter, is seen popping out of the present.

“But when this is done, you’ll be free. - and us” the souls being set free when he sets the building on fire, Michael feeling proud and his brother forgiving Micheal for basically murdering him. Reunited with Elizabeth and unfortunately maybe his father.

Basically the whole speech is like Henry talking to Michael. 9:47 to 12:20

4:37 i think thats William after he murdered the missing children? Or set before he did. And the view is probably one of the missing children after being murdered and this is their POV.

9:19 Chica, Freddy - foxy and bonnie after their deaths. Otherwise known as the missing children and then golden freddy is Cassidy: also apart of the missing children.

10:10 is William being springlocked.
so the order of deaths (canon) is Elizabeth, Michaels brother (???), William and then Micheal.

“I know how you feel micheal, this is a lot of responsibility.” Puppet speaking.

To end this, i love how Puppet says,

“I love you Micheal.”


cory’s relationship with his viewers has grown, he’s even taken us inside the bathroom with him 💀


Cory: “I wanna try 4 sundays in a row”

*Immediately stops the first Sunday*


If this man actually manages to go 4 sundays in a row, we gotta throw a party or sum cause that’s an achievement right there


Love your videos my son passed away from cancer you were his favorite thanks man God bless you😊


the joy when cory comes back never gets old.


Cory: “I wanna see if I can hit four Sundays in a row.”

Also Cory: *stops after one


“I’m gonna try to do 4 sundays in a row”

Cory: Leaves for 3 months

^^there for everyone saying the right time


The ending of the VHS tape at 12:29 is creepy, but it's also oddly comforting.


Pov:Cory saying he's gonna try and get 4 sundays but fails on the second one
