Xiao slowly falls in love with you; A playlist

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I own nothing!!
Picture: Unknown :(
Thank you all for 100k+ views on my short!!
X: Xiao G: Ganyu

G: “Adeptus Xiao, I believe you’re in love.”
X: “Love? That thing for mortals? Impossible.”
G: “You want to hold the Travelers hand, go to the lantern rite festival with them, and take a stroll in Liyue Harbor alone with them!”
X: “J-Just to protect them!”
X: “I need to leave.. They’re calling me.”
G: “Give them the flowers before you go!”
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 - Love like you
(It’s you.. Did something happen?)
2:24 - Line without a hook
(My fight goes on.. But… I would like to know more about you.)
6:31 - I hear a symphony
(This mortal concept of commemorating the day of your birth really is redundant. Wait. Have this. It's a butterfly I made from leaves.
Okay. Take it. It's an adepti amulet — it staves off evil.)
9:34 - Sweater Weather
(You want... Baizhu to make a medicine to take away my pain? I understand your intentions, but mortal medicine has no effect on adepti.)
13:40 - Talking to the moon
(If you have free time we can go to Liyue Harbor together.. If not, Nevermind.)
17:17 - Fairytale
(The time for humans to discard their glowing trash into the sea has returned... How childish... Though if you insist... I will go with you.)
(I’m willing to protect this haven.. For your sake.)
(I don’t know if it’s related to you.. But recently my karmatic debt has been less excruciating..)


POV time ;)

When did it really start, Xiao wandered... You came into his life so abruptly, shoving your way into his life actually. No matter how hard he tried to shut you out due to his own concerns, you kept coming back. Why was it that, deep down, he was thankful for your presence? No matter how hard he tried to deny it.
Perhaps it was the day you called his name, not to fight, but to admire the view of Liyue harbor at sundown or maybe the fact that you bring him Almond Tofu every so often because you know how he enjoys it?
Nevertheless, he finds himself falling for you. Your stubbornness, kindness, and just... **you** . He'll never admit that he notices the little things you do. Whether it be the specific crinkles on your face when you laugh, the way you swirl your sword at your side when you're bored, or the little noise of excitement when you find a chest. He knows it all.
"(Y/n)..." he calls softly. You look at him with simple curiosity. "What's up?" You smile innocently. He finds himself pausing to admire your smile. "I... never mind, " he shakes his head with a small smile. An offended look is now on your face. "You can't just start a sentence and not finish it!" you shout, annoyed but not really.
"I was just going to tell you that you appear to have some food on your cheek, " he lies, folding his arms and closing his eyes. You panic and wipe your cheeks feverishly in a vein attempt to clean it as Xiao finds himself trying to hold back his laughter.
"Xiaaaooo!" you figure it out and burst out laughing alongside him. He smiles to himself. "This is enough for now, " he thinks to himself, listening to the melody of your laugh.


RIP I hear a symphony we will miss you




(No I DIDNT copy past my story-)
Just an um, short POV. I wrote it while during a long 3 hour car ride and I was feeling inspired by the scenery. I've never really posted POV's before, but this playlist gave me to courage to finally try, and seeing everyone else do it was just the boost I needed. It doesn't exactly stick to lore, but there is a reason for that, I have more of the story, (over 23 more chapters but I've kind of been keeping this story to myself), but I don't even know if anyone will like or even see this...but um...this is my first time doing this so um...yeah T^T
I hope you like it.

    It was a couple hours past noon, but the scarlet sun was already starting to descend from the orange streaked sky. A young boy with teal undertones running through his tussled dark green hair was splinting the ankle of the girl beside him. Both appeared to be the same age, however their appearances were vastly different. The boy was clothed in traditional Liyuan clothing with a primordial jade spear laying on the ground beside him. On the other hand the girl donned the peasant robes of that only found in unknown far away lands. With a petite stature that contrasted the sturdy one of the boy kneeling beside her; she still held her head up and kept her features arranged in a collected manner, despite being the one tended to. Waist-length stark white hair with a red streak running through it stood out against her pale skin and drab clothing. Ruby eyes gleamed from beneath her snowy bangs, coal-black lashes curling like the edges of a sword. The boy wore a placid expression, but his brow was knit ever so slightly in concentration, immersed in his task.
“Why do you help me?” She asked finally after some time.  Without pausing from his task, the boy answered, “Why not?”  She cocked her head, confused. “Everyone tends to stay away from me.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“Because I’m different.”
He paused.
“Well, what makes you so different?”
“I’m not from here.” she looked down at her lap and gripped the hem of her kimono so tightly, her knuckles started to turn white. “I talk different from the rest of the us. I look different. And I’m weaker than—“
    Taken aback, her ruby eyes widened. Too scared to look him directly in the eye, she instead focused her gaze at the ground in front of her. He had leaned back to look over his handiwork, finished with her splint. Her leg was neatly wrapped and though the pain was still there, it had softened to weak ebb.
“Look at me.”
    She shook her head, and tried to stand up only to have a striking pain shoot up her leg. The snowy-haired girl yelped and fell towards the ground. Her eyes squeezed shut, muscles tense, bracing for impact—only to fall gently into the comfortable arms of the boy, who somehow magically materialized behind her. A voice whispered softly in her ear. “I said, ‘look at me.’” Slowly, she removed her hands from her face and turned to gaze at his. Why had she never stopped to look at him so? It was as if seeing him for the first time. His eyes were so striking against his pale skin, warm amber orbs that she could easily fall into and never come back out. How could a person look so serious, and yet also be...so soft, and gentle.
“You may not be the same as the rest of us.” He gazed at me straight in the eye, his abysmal eyes never unwavering. He set her down on the ground gently.
    “No, you are not the same...however, you breathe through lungs and your heart beats, ” he placed a hand on her heart. “You fight, you feel, you speak, you bleed.” He grasped both of her hands and turned them palm up to reveal the still bleeding blisters and cuts that decorated her hands. Hot tears were rising and the girl blinked to try and keep them away.
“You cry.”
    His hand rose up to stroke the sensitive skin beside her left eye. “You fight harder than any of us here.” The girl opened her mouth about to speak, then closed it. She had nothing to say.
    He sat down on the patch of grass beside her, scooting closer. “Though, I know not of where you come from, and of how you came...I know that you deserve to be here just as much as the rest of us. Maybe even more. You’ve earned it.”
    Her eyes squeezed tightly now, in an attempt to stem the flow of tears threatening to burst from behind her lids. But even she knew it was no use. As if knowing this too, the boy came closer. Warmth enveloped her. His arms closed around in a tight but gentle embrace. She leaned into him, welcoming the hug. All barriers that she’d thought she’d had before, crumbled. She felt protected...safe.
“I don’t even know where I came from.” she whispered softly, barely audible, and so quiet that she doesn’t think that even the air could’ve heard her. But somehow he did
“Everything is going to be okay. I’ll make sure of it.” He pulled her closer and said softly, “I promise.”
    They sat there, his arms wrapped around her, rubbing her back soothingly as she wept into his shoulder. Thinking back to her past battles, she hadn’t known what she was fighting for before. Let alone if she had been fighting for anything at all. Her strength was drained, and she was exhausted. Despite her act of being strong, untouchable, and feisty, though these qualities made up some of her personality, none were true now. She had no knowledge of where she came from, no memory at all. Keeping this act up was hard, and she was tired.
If she didn’t have anything to fight for before...she knew now. To stay here. With him. It was this, that she would fight for. To remain like this. From then on.


I've been feeling pretty bad but this playlist just make my night better, have a good day/night anyone who's reading this ❤


My Xiao Build: Level 66 Xiao, Favonius Lance, Friendship LVL 6, 30.6 Crit rate, 116.8 Crit DMG, 13, 178 HP, 1, 267 ATK, 731 DEF, Mocking mask, 46.4 CRIT DMG, 23.1 Anemo CRIT DMG, Instructor's Teacup, Berserkers Timepiece 34.8 ATK, Viridescent Arrow Feather 232 ATK Anemo DMG Bonus, In Rememberance of Viridescent Fields 3, 571 HP Anemo DMG Bonus. Thats it!


I love this compilation!! A very nice blend, if you ask me :)
And I LOVE the bits of dialogue and how they're spaced! Tastefully done, nice job 👏👏


his playlist is just..I WISH THE TITLE WAS TRUEE


The fairytale audio made me go emotional tbh😭


Automatically adding this to my playlist<3


I loveeee this! Will appreciate anyone who could give timestamps & title❤️


Dang I really wanted the artist, the artstyle is so beautiful.


Aether at the side makes me wanna punch my screen


Pls why, when "talking to the moon" started playing my angst brain thought of how xiao would feel after traveller leaves teyvat


