Why Apple Is So Easy To Hate

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Ever since the early days of Apple there’s been a lot of negativity surrounding the company. And many of the criticisms from the 80’s are still repeated today. For example, the original 128k Macintosh was ridiculed for its lack of internal and external expansion options. And Apple was criticized for not licensing the Macintosh operating system to other hardware manufacturers. Both of which are things people still think are problems with today’s Macs. So hatred toward Apple has only gotten worse as they’ve grown in popularity. And nowhere is this more apparent than on the internet. Even users on pro-Apple websites like MacRumors hate on the company at almost every turn. But why is this the case? Well, let’s find out by going over some of the reasons why people hate Apple so much to begin with.
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I love both. I’m a IT Professional.
My iPhone X’s and MacBook are my work devices. I do my job on them.
My Windows PC is my fun device.


The funny thing about Apple haters? Most of them have never used Apple products before.


Sure, Apple fanboys and Android/Windows fanboys argue, but we can all agree that Windows Phone/Chromebook sucks.


I think you missed one the reasons...Most of the people on the internet have not used a single Apple product or have no intention of buying one. So the only thing they do is look at the specs and price and literally spread hatred without even actually using the device.


As an Android user, I definitely agree with this video. You get an Android phone for a different reason than you get an iPhone. Apple products are designed for ease of use and simplicity, while as Android phones are geared more towards tech enthusiasts and people who want customization.


I grew up using Apple products. My dad told me that when I was old enough to sit up and move my arms on my own, he sat me in front of his Apple computer that he had programmed to change colors, or pop up pictures, anytime I hit the keyboard. I've literally been using Apple computers since before I could speak.

When I was a kid, and young teen, I would receive so much hate online from people simply because I used a Mac, that it made me spiteful to Windows, and eventually Android when smartphones started to become a thing. I broke that attitude in my early twenties, and I've received a lot less hate, though I still experience it from time to time.


I always get pissed off that people flex with Apple products, even though I’m an Apple user myself


I’m so glad Apple didn’t license their software to other companies


The dude with the Iphone X notch on his head had me dying


I like Apple products mostly for the design and the icons, not to feel superior...


When Apple did licence MacOs to other companies, it almost went under. I understand the reason why SJ and Apple have kept their product as a closely held product.


my reaction from the first reason:

My classmates shame me for using Macbook, iPad, and iPhone.


"My 6GB ram Note 9 is superior to your iPhone XS Max 4GB ram."

*Note 9 Requires 2 GB to standby and has inefficient RAM usage."

-Written from S6 Edge


90% of these comments are pretty much apple users (myself included) saying they're happy with their choice and agreeing with the video that everyone has their own tastes and then all the replies are "android is better" "we have higher specs" "we have a headphone jack" and to that I say ...

if your sooo happy with how much better your android is why are you spending your time on here being your tiny android keyboards to tell people you what they should spend their money on...

if you hate apple so much and your android is so great why concern yourself with what other people are doing and mind your own business.


Am i the only one who doesn’t care about Android or Apple? I just want a decent phone lol


"Apple comes up with a problem and then charges you for the sollution", JerryRigEverything, 2018


Funny thing is that people hate apple
But they constantly watch Apple videos and constantly talk about them. It’s just an obsession


The problem with the iPhone is it's like buying a Toyota Prius with a 1 gallon tank. Even though iPhones have decent battery life compared to other phones, the point is you want your phone to last as long as it can on a regular size battery. Basically good enough is never as satisfying as having more than enough


Because, in the words of the late *_Steve Jobs_* : *_”Good artists copy, great artists steal”_* ...


This was great. Jonathan Morrison really proved how bad the echo effect is as well in the portrait test and display test he’s done to show others how biased they really are. Which is fine, but I am amazed at how much attention people give something they hate.
