19 Rule The Waves 3 Japan 1890 Rise Of The Dragon

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An era of peace and prosperity has settled across Asia, but meddling European colonial powers begin to look eastwards.
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Wow! Time was just flying by--and you were just picking up techs left and right!

Which is the one thing I for sure would have done differently than you: I would have made a Naga II as you had quite a lot of techs to be applied to the CL, even if you didn't change the thing at all with saved tonnage. Newer armor, and I think the Elevated guns. Oddly, for you, since you scrap whole swathes of ships, you wouldn't run into MY problem when I DO want to upgrade and have BASE, and II and III floating around! ;-p (Since a Naga III would be much, MUCH better even since when I would have made the Naga II! But yeah, carriers first!)

Here is the breakdown on my spying--not nearly as good as I first thought since I had ALSO noted when I was sure tech had been stolen FROM me! ;-p i.e. only half as many steals--ugh!

SEP 1905 7" Quality 0 guns! (Stolen from Italy)
MAR 1906 10" Quality 0 guns! (Stolen from AH)
MAR 1906 3" Quality 1 guns (Stolen from Russia)
DEC 1912 Stole Lighter Than Air Airships from France!
JAN 1915 Stole triple torpedo tubes from Germany!
MAR 1915 Improved diesel engines--sub 5% more reliability (stolen from Germany)
MAR 1919 9" guns at Quality 0!--Stolen from Spain
JUL 1924 Improved pressure Hull--(stolen from the US)
FEB 1925 11" Quality 1 guns!--(stolen from the Japanese)
MAY 1929 17" Quality -1 guns! (Stolen from the US)
OCT 1934 17" guns Quality 0! (Stolen from the US)
SEP 1939 16" Quality 1 guns!!! (Stolen from Japan!)
DEC 1939 5" Quality 1 guns!!! (Stolen from Germany)
FEB 1944 We stole anechoic plating from Russia--increase in sub effectiveness
JAN 1947 9" Quality 1 guns! (Stolen from Germany)
AUG 1950 Stole Rod fragmentation from USA! Increases AA and SAM hit chances!
APR 1952 Stole 2" guns Quality 1 from USA! (MAYBE 2" guns are for AA??? Never used them, ever. ;-p)
AUG 1955 Stole some sub tech from Germany--???
JUL 1958 DDs of 3800 tons! (Stolen from the US!)

Or per country:

1 Italy
1 Austria Hungary
2 Russia
1 France
5 Germany
1 Spain
2 Japan

So yeah, as a major nation I probably will NOT spy on minors past the start where I know they have the better 3" gun, for example. As a minor, I still will spy on everyone, but, I just noticed:

TEN of the stolen things were gun quality techs??? Hmmm, THAT is concerning! (And interesting.)

(but again, disclaimer: I had good research rates as GB, so maybe just could never steal anything with them BUT the guns since I already knew them.)
