How important are the Sochi Olympics to Vladimir Putin and Russia?

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How important are the Sochi Olympics to Vladimir Putin and Russia? And with concerns about security dominating pre-games discussions, how concerned should we be about safety? In this episode of NOW, Matt Rojansky discusses these questions and more.

Matthew Rojansky is an expert on U.S. relations with the states of the former Soviet Union, especially Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. He has advised governments, intergovernmental organizations, and major private actors on conflict resolution and efforts to enhance shared security throughout the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian region. From 2010 to 2013, he was Deputy Director of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is currently Director of the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute and is also an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins SAIS and American University, and a participant in the Dartmouth Dialogues, a track-two U.S.-Russian conflict resolution initiative begun in 1960.
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