Heaven Sent 'The Shepherd's Boy' | Series 9 Soundtrack | Doctor Who

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The Series 9 soundtrack is out today! Which track are you most excited for or enjoying already? Let us know in the comments, we'd love to know 💙💙


"And when the entire mountain has been chiseled away, the wait for the Series 9 soundtrack will have passed."


Best episode of the entire series I'd say


What I love about this piece is how it repeats the same melody, but gradually adds a bit more each time. It's perfectly parodying The Doctor's time loop. Just like how the diamond wall gets thinner and thinner, the music gets more and more hopeful, and eventually, victorious.


I will not forget one line of this music, I swear. Not one note. I will always remember when Murray Gold wrote the music for Doctor Who.


"I suppose one more lifetime wouldn't kill anyone...

...well, except me."


_"There’s this emperor, and he asks the shepherd’s boy how many seconds in eternity. And the shepherd’s boy says, ‘There’s this mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it, and every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain. And when the entire mountain is chiseled away, the first second of eternity will have PASSED!’ You may think that’s a hell of a long time.. Personally, I think that’s a hell of a bird."_ - Twelfth Doctor.. The Doctor who has very little time for most humans but still cares and still shows up to help when he can with his kindness, his determination and his unyielding belief in his own goodness!


Blink is the best Doctor Who episode. You can't get any bet-

*Heaven Sent* - Allow me to introduce myself.


"If you think because she is dead, I am weak, then you understand very little. If you were any part of killing her, and you're not afraid, then you understand nothing at all. So, for your own sake, understand this. I am the Doctor. I'm coming to find you, and I will never, ever stop.
-The Doctor


This is the music that, in my opinion, forever defines Peter Capaldi as THE 12th Doctor.


When Peter Capaldi started as The Doctor, I was skeptical. I didn't think he'd be as good as some of his predecessors. Time and time again he has proved me wrong, and I will truly miss him. Scenes such as this one prove just what a fantastic actor is, and how fortunate we all are to have had him as The Doctor.


I confess my heart skipped a beat when this track was finaly posted.
Also, little fun fact, in Heaven Sent, the skull of the Doctor was modeled after Capaldi's actual skull. The prop makers could've gone with a regular skull, but noooo, they went through the trouble of modeling after Capaldi, probably getting X-rays and measurements of his head to get it right on something no one would notice at first glance. Just the dedication of this show amazes me.


The first second of eternity has passed.


I wish we'd seen maybe just one more season with Capaldi. I really do miss him.


"This place is my own bespoke torture chamber. Intended for me only. And all the skulls, and the water. How could there be other prisoners in my hell? The answer of course is there were never any other prisoners. And the stars, they weren’t in the wrong place. And I haven’t time travelled. I’ve just been here a very, very long time." - The Doctor


It's incredible how Peter Capaldi is such a big fan of Doctor Who and then one day he gets to BE Doctor Who. Not only does he get to portray his childhood hero, but he makes his incarnation of the Doctor one of the best. Peter Capaldi, you are amazing. Thank you for being being such a kind and fantastic Doctor. :D


Heaven Sent is my Desert Island episode. If I could only have one it would be this one - It is perfect on every level: the direction, music, design, acting, writing. It all converges perfectly to make magic. Haunting, melancholic, inspiring, tragic, relentless, tenacious. Genius.


A few days before a shooter took the lives of several of my colleagues at the Faculty of Arts in Prague, my friend and I watched Heaven Sent just to fall in love with the show all over again. These days, the Shepard's Boy has become the anthem of healing, of coming to terms with the unspeakable, with grief many times harder than diamond. It is a hymn of triumphing by remembering the names and passions of those killed in our classrooms and hallways. Working bit by bit to restore everything our university means to our broken hearts. You may think that's a hell of a lot of work. Personally, I think we just have a hell of a heart.


This was the greatest Doctor Who episode and by far the greatest scene. What amazes me most is that this truly shows us just how incredible the Doctor is. There has never been a puzzle the doctor could not inevitably solve and the confession dial was carefully and meticulously designed to be the ultimate and inescapable puzzle that was to have only two ways to end, confession, or death. The first time the Doctor arrived, his natural instincts and behavior creates the original chain of events that leads him to the wall and he conceives the plan to hit it, allow the creature to kill him, and go back and initiate a loop. Consider that, he figured out that since the rooms reset, something that would prevent him from making any effective changes to the environment, he can do something they never would have expected, sacrifice himself to make everything start over again, and each time slowly dig his way out. Typically the protagonist uses a time loop to try and do something different the next time around but the doctor goes beyond that, that natural sequence of events he created the first time around will always occur every time he arrives and it always ends with him punching and damaging that wall, the one thing that is retained from each loop. The doctor is using the one force that no well crafted puzzle is immune to, time, a single human punch may be no more effective than a drop of water on a stone, but billions of them over billions of years can wear away anything, even if at only one atom at a time, it is inevitable. The Doctor found a way to use time as the ultimate force of destruction and made it so that no matter how long it took, he would be there when it finally worked.


They're not stupid, the Doctor Who official channel know this is gonna get streamed on YouTube anyway, so they're just like "If people are gonna do it, they may as well do it through us and we'll get the views from it."

