Come Follow Me - Doctrine and Covenants 1: 'Hearken, O Ye People'

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A verse-by-verse study of Doctrine and Covenants 1, the Lord's preface to His Book of Commandments. This lesson provides background on the Doctrine and Covenants, including its origin and canonization, and focuses on the voice of the Lord, falling off either side of the covenant path, the limitations of human language, the "true and living" Church, and polarization in the last days. Join Jared Halverson for your weekly Come Follow Me study of the Doctrine and Covenants!

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I never realized how I took for granted the Doctrine and Covenants. Why did I not think to use it on my mission? The Book of Mormon converted me to Christ. The Doctrine and Covenants will convert me to the authenticity of the Church Jesus established through Joseph.


I am living with my 80 year old mother and we LOVED studying the BofM with you. My mom has been checking every day since Christmas day and sometimes several times a day to see if you had put up the D&C first lesson in the Come Follow Me. She kept saying to me, " Oh I hope he is going to do it" I kept reassuring her that you would. Well this morning you would have thought it was Christmas again. She came right into my room and said, "He's back and it's a 2 hour session on D&C 1!" She was so excited that she stopped what she was doing and I hear her in the other room listening. Thank you Nrother Halverson. We are like sponges and ready to study the words of the Lord in the D&C with you. 😁❤


Thank you for sharing your testimony of the the restored Gospel.


I feel very blush how you're teaching this course. Thank you very much.


I turn on the news....then watch this lesson...It is a time to Hearken to the voice of the Lord😇👍


We are so grateful that you are teaching this coming year about the Doctrine and Covenants. We loved studying with you in the Book of Mormon and look forward to exploring deeply with you in the D&C . We enjoy your style and appreciate your years of preparation and facility with the scriptures to allow you to teach so clearly and with power. We hope you'll continue to teach online even when the pandemic resolves. Thank you for the investment of time and effort that your weekly lessons require. Lord bless you! Richard and Lori Boyer


I enjoy that you taught me it was a restoration after an apo. It is a wonderful reminder to me that I need the scriptures in my life. Thank you I just started listening to you yesterday and am so happy I found you.


What you shared about D./C. has improved my scripture study. THANKS!


Thank you really enjoyed being taught these precious truths this morning


Thank you for taking the time to teach and share it with others. I really appreciate your insights and experiences.


Thank you Brother Halverson for another amazing lesson... we are looking forward to studying the Doctrine & Covenants with you and growing our testimonies!


Aww yes, “sounds familiar” I call it the SCrEw tape letter. My husband digested it and became disaffected with the Church. It has broken my heart💔 but in the struggle and sorrow, i have come to know my Savior and my Faith has become unshaken!


Thank you for enlarging my understanding of the scriptures. I am grateful for the time you dedicate to share your understanding and knowledge.


This deeper study of the Doctrine & Covenants has already been a huge blessing in our home and our hearts. We look forward to hours of powerful learning with you and through the Spirit this year. Thank you.


Thank you brother for your teaching. This bring so much clarity. Thank you❤️


Thank you Br Halverson for your gift to teach the gospel with the Spirit and with clarity. I have had many prayers answered by the way you teach. God Bless you in your gifts to teach his scriptures by precept and example. It does strengthen us in home as we seek to come unto Christ and follow him daily.


Oh I really appreciate snd love The Doctrine and Covenants
I so love watching these older videos
Need some longer time studying along with The Book Of Mormon in 2024
Yes I've been watching since the beginning ❤❤❤ 3:13


Thank you for this lesson. I have a new, more deeply feeling for the Doctrine and Covenants. I am 82 years old, my wife is in last stages of Alzheimer's, what joy he have in our Savior and the blessings of His Temple. We joined this he Restored Church of Jesus Christ 50 years ago. I was a Baptist minister at the time and was looking for the Restoration and I found the truth and the Fullness of the Gospel. Even my father a former Baptist also told me that Mormons are not Christian. I said that is a lie put out by the devil. How do you know, have you read the Book of Mormon, no, then read it. After 4 months of my pestering him, he and my mother read the Book of Mormon to convince me of my folly. They came to me and asked me to baptize them after reading the Book of Mormon. They had heard the lie about the Mormons and perpetuated the lie in ignorance. I was guilty also until the Holy Spirit stunned me while preaching a sermon with the words "how do you know that is true" I did not and I searched to find out. When the missionaries began teaching me I knew it was true. My wife opposed me having anything to do with the Mormons. I told her to change the way she was praying, ask God if the Church is true., she did and excitedly told me the next day that a light appeared in her room and a voice told her "your husband is seeking to serve God, follow him" she was immediately converted and asked me to baptize her. The 1st year 14 members of our families (by father and mother included) joined the Church. My father served as a Bishop and he and my mother served a full time mission to Bath New York. My wife served many callings including a Relief Society president and I in the Bishopric and many local and stake callings. I am currently the Ward organist. THIS IS THE RESTORED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. Life is short, eternity is forever. Which is most important? This is the time to prepare for Eternity, read the Book of Mormon again if you have before. I just read he scriptures again, during this pandemic and gained a renewed testimony of them. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


My husband Mike and I are thrilled to be continuing with Come Follow Me studies together. We both love reading the standard works and are excited to be open to the personal understanding and revelations the Lord will shower upon us as individuals and as a people as we dive into the ocean of mercy contained in the Doctrine and Covenants. We both are so grateful for the education that has made you a sharp tool in the hand of the Lord. We are amazed at the depth and understanding that helps us grow and we are even grateful for things that are over our head in being able to fully grasp at present. Thank you so much for the comforting broadcasts that enable us to receive something beyond our four walls.


Wonderful, thank you so much for this lesson, this year doctrine and covenants is going to be amazing. I am ready to learn. 🤗🙏🇬🇧
