Πάρις Καρβουνόπουλος: Ναυπήγηση Belh@rra στην Ελλάδα; - Η Τουρκία αγοράζει χρόνο! Η Ελλάδα τι;

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Ειναι τουλαχιστον περιεργο το ομαδικο πυρ στα σχολια, στον κ.καρβουνοπουλο. Στατιστικα δεν στεκει.


1363 - Ottoman forces captured Eastern Thrace.
1364 - The Battle of Sırpsınını: Komotini, Serez, Drama, Kavala were conquered by the Ottoman forces.
1392 - Thessaloniki, conquest of Chalkidiki
1397 - Ottoman forces under the command of Yıldırım Bayezid entered Athens. The Peloponnese was captured.
1402 - Byzantine forces recapture Salonica.
1430 - II. Ottoman forces under Murad took Salonika back.
1431 - Ottoman forces captured Ioannina.
1458 - Ottoman forces under the command of Fatih Sultan Mehmed captured Athens again.
1460 - Ottoman forces under the command of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror captured the Peloponnese again. Prince Bayezid went on a Greek expedition.
1499 - Ottoman forces captured İnebahtı.
1500 - Ottoman forces capture Methon and Koron.
1500-1700 - Ottoman Peace Period.
1770 - Mora revolt
1796 - Rigas Velestinlis Ferraios founded the first Eterya.
1812 - Etheria was established in Athens.
1814 - Filiki Etherya was established in Wallachia
1820 - Alexander Ipsilanti, the head of Filiki Etheria, revolted. The revolt was suppressed by the Ottoman forces in a short time.
1822 - Alexander Mavrokordatos, head of the rebels in Mora, declares the independence of Greece.
1824-27 - Ottoman-Egyptian forces under the command of İbrahim Pasha entered Athens and suppressed the rebellion. Continuing to advance, Ottoman-Egyptian forces captured Mesolongi in 1826.
1825 - Because of the suppression of the Greek rebellion, the Russian Tsar Nicholas I gave a note to the Ottoman Empire.
1826 - Akkerman Agreement was signed.
1827 - Saint Petersburg Protocol: Britain and Russia reached an agreement for Greece to be independent.
London Protocol: England-France-Russia; He gave a note to the Ottoman Empire demanding the independence of Greece, and the Ottoman Empire rejected this note.
Naval Battle of Navarino: The British-French-Russian United Navy destroyed the Ottoman-Egyptian United Navy.
French forces landed on the Peloponnese.
1828-29 Ottoman-Russian War - Ottoman was defeated. With the Edirne Treaty, Greece became an autonomous principality.
1830 - Greece gained its independence.
1864 - The Ionian Islands are given to Greece.
1881 - Thessaly was given to Greece with the Treaty of Istanbul.
1897 Ottoman-Greek War - Ottoman forces entered Greek territory following the increase of Greek border encroachments and attacks on Turks in Crete. Ottoman forces soon captured Yenişehir, Tirhala and Volos. On the warnings of Russia and Britain, it stopped 250 km before Athens, the capital of Greece.
With the Treaty of Istanbul, Crete was turned into an autonomous structure. Ottoman forces evacuated Thessaly.
1908 - The Parliament of Crete decided to join Greece.
1912 - Balkan Wars started. (Balkan Union: Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro). Thessaloniki was captured by Greek forces.
1913 - The Siege of Ioannina: The Ottoman commander Esad Pasha was forced to hand over the castle to Greece after a 3-month resistance.
1913 - Western Thrace was occupied by Bulgarian forces.
1913 - Athens Treaty: Thessaloniki, Kavala, Southern Epirus regions and the islands of Crete, Samos, Chios, Lesbos and Limnos were given to Greece.
1917 - Greece declared war on the Central Powers, including the Ottoman Empire.
1919 - Neuilly Treaty: Western Thrace was shared between Greece and Bulgaria, Alexandroupolis was given to Greece.
1919 - Greek forces; It occupied İzmir, Komotini and Dimetoka. The Turkish War of Independence started.
1920 - Treaty of Sevres: Gökçeada, Bozcaada and Western Anatolia were given to Greece.
1921 - Battles started between Turkish and Greek forces in Western Anatolia.
First Battle of İnönü: Turkish forces stopped the Greek forces at İnönü.
II. The Battle of İnönü: The Turkish forces stopped the Greek forces at İnönü again and this time they took back Bilecik and Bozüyük.
Kütahya-Eskişehir Battles: Greek forces started a general attack. Kütahya, Eskişehir and Afyon were captured by Greek forces.
Sakarya Pitched Battle: Greek forces started an attack towards Ankara from three branches. At the end of the wars that lasted for 22 days and nights, Greek forces had to withdraw. Turkish forces counter-offensive.
1922 - The Great Offensive: Turkish forces started a general offensive on 26 August, after 10 months of preparations. Turkish forces captured Kütahya on 27 August and Uşak on 1 September. Greek forces were besieged.
Dumlupınar Pitched Battle: The Turkish Army Commander-in-Chief Marshal Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha directed the war that started on 30 August. The Commander-in-Chief of the Greek Army, Nikolaos Trikupis, was taken prisoner. The war ended decisively in Turkish victory. Mustafa Kemal Pasha ordered all forces to advance to Izmir the same day.
Turkish forces entered Izmir on 9 September and Bursa on 16 September. There was not a single Greek force left in Western Anatolia on 19 September.
Mudanya: Turkey was allowed to Istanbul and eastern Thrace. Greek forces rank


It doesn't matter that Greece owes 350 billion euros to other countries with 10 million inhabitants, but the main thing is that they owe more because they are afraid of TURKEY and buy old or new weapons on credit, which will be a humiliating defeat for Greece anyway, with 18 rafaele jets new and old what do you want to do against a DRONE POWER -LASER DRONE-AKSUNGUR-AKINCI etc ? 🙄 😁😁😁😁😁
