9 MUST Read Books For Data Engineers - From Beginner To Advanced

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Beginner Books
1. Fundamentals Of Data Engineering

2. Data Pipeline Pocket Reference Guide

3. Kimball Data Warehousing Toolkits

1. Learning Spark

2. Kafka The Definitive Guide

3. Pragmatic Programmer And Mythical Man Month

1. Staff Engineer: Leadership Beyond the Management Track

2. Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems(kind of mid-level too)

0:00 Intro
0:55 Beginner - Fundamentals Of Data Engineering
2:39 Beginner - Data Pipelines Pocket Guide
3:30 Beginner - Kimball's Data Warehousing Toolkit
4:49 Mid - Learning Spark
6:40 Mid - Pragmatic Programmer and Mythical Man Month
9:23 Mid - Kafka Definitive Guide
10:37 Advanced - Staff Engineer: Leadership Beyond the Management Track
11:58 Advanced/Mid - Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems

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Tags: Data engineering projects, Data engineer project ideas, data project sources, data analytics project sources, data project portfolio

About me:
I have spent my career focused on all forms of data. I have focused on developing algorithms to detect fraud, reduce patient readmission and redesign insurance provider policy to help reduce the overall cost of healthcare. I have also helped develop analytics for marketing and IT operations in order to optimize limited resources such as employees and budget. I privately consult on data science and engineering problems both solo as well as with a company called Acheron Analytics. I have experience both working hands-on with technical problems as well as helping leadership teams develop strategies to maximize their data.

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Рекомендации по теме

Kleppmann's book is absolutely brilliant - one of the best software books I have read (and I am not a data engineer).


Another great sources, for my readlist. Thanks!


I am reading Fluent Python 2nd Edition, and it is incredible, I already had 4 years of experience working on Python and that book picked me up to the next level


Great videoo !! I watched ur previous books video days ago, glad that u update it


I decided to begin my transition from DA to DE. I have the first 2 books you mentioned + a few use my classes on Python for pipelines and AWS intro to hopefully take one of the certs in the next 2-4 months. Your vid’s have been super helpful in providing a starting point and what to expect as a DE. Thank you!


Very helpful, thank you for your content, keep up the good work 👏


To be honest I think it's better to read DDIA before diving into particular tools like Spark/Kafka. It would enhance one's abilities to comprehend the content of these books. But maybe the essential knowledge there is covered in these beginner books to some degree - I have only read Kimball from that bucket.


Currently reading "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" and it is absolutely incredible!


Thank you so much for sharing this! I've been a Data Analyst in a bank for the last 3 months and it's my first IT job, so thankful for all your advice, guiding and valuable information! Take care and be happy!


Nothing like "must read" of 9 books to make people not even start considering deep diving into the topic.
Data engineers are software engineers that found data interesting, or dta scientists that found software engineering interesting. Its great knowledge to have if youre practicing either of these domains.


Hi! Great video!! How about Kimball's Data Warehouse toolkit books? Should we read all these books ?? Should we read only The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling ? Which ones are rhe best ? Could you please advise us about it ??


you are popping off with these videos lately


I have been studying to become data analyst 1 year and have landed a job, now i want to become a data engineer. How long does it realistically take? Because I heard no company hires anyoneone unless you have at least 3years of working experience with data


Don’t just be a task taker, be a strategic player.


Incredible, couldn't agree more! These are precisely the books I always recommend :D


Which, if any, AWS certifications would you recommend for data engineering?


Where do you listen to these books ? Can you suggest an app.


Haha love how you showed the Bible at the beginning of the video. These books are the Bible of data!


How many days it will take to complete these books. I want to complete it in 3 months is it possible.


Have you actually read these books seattle guy?
