opel/Vauxhal Vectra C ignition switch repair

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opel/Vauxhal Vectra C ignition switch repair
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In case someone is looking for a solution when the switch is jammed in zero position (wheel lock) and won't turn to position 1 or 2:

If the steering wheel is upright, the ignition switch is jammed and wont turn and your wheel is blocked, you'll have to take the whole thing apart. It is possible, but you may have to brake a few plastic things. After the plastic panels under the wheel are taken off, you undo the wheel itself (be careful with airbags, disconnect everything from car battery until you put everything back together). After that you have the access to the hole for the pin that can undo your ignition switch. But it will not jump out easily. If the wheel is locked and the switch is jammed you have no other option but drilling the mechanical insides of the switch. Switch from 3.5mm bit to around 5.5mm. You can do it with a 12V screwdriver with drill function, just do not rush anywhere, be careful with the depth you're drilling in, put the drill side by side to the key and mark it so you can track the depth.
You're done when you can insert the key (or something else) and turn the switch. Beware that you cannot start the car without the chip built in the key. But you can turn the switch with anything that fits that hole now.
If you have to drive to buy a replacement switch make sure you secured the key as it may fall out of the keyhole now and distract you from driving (the engine won't stop once it was started, but you better pull the key out and drive without it).


dziękuje za film dzięki twojemu filmowi udało mi się naprawić stacyjke


No need to buy new barrel. You can grind those protruding plates. My problem was that Zafira B had a key that was hard to turn from the initial position so after removing barrel I filed the plates flush. They were protruding because they were worn out at the key insertion area.


After you arrived at this point why you didn't put out all the tumblers from the barrel for a better clean?


Labas, ar reikejo priristi nauja spynele/rakteli ?jei taip kiek tai kainavo ?


Pytanie, w astra 2006 Nie moge zakodowac kluczyka zebym zamykal na alarm. Wnioskuje ze to problem ze stacyjka. Rowniez po wyciagnieciu kluczyka radio gra bez przerwy. Czy po wymianie tej samej czesci co na filmiku powinno wszystko wrocic do normy?


Film super, ale samemu trochę za trudne aby tak rozbierać sam wkład do czyszczenia .


You could of soaked it in carb cleaner to loosen dirt then jet it out with a can of clean let it dry re then grease


Please how to programme key in OPEL VECTRA 2.2 DIESEL?


a jak obrócił kierownicą, przecież jak kluczyk nie rusza to kierownica się zatnie
