What is Magnetism? How electric and magnetic fields are related to classical mechanics by Jeff Yee.

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Magnetism is a force generated by the spin of subatomic #particles like electrons. The laws for the calculation of the #magnetic force, and the #electric force, were determined to be related and consolidated with Maxwell's equations in the 1800s.

Now, these fields can be related and consolidated with classical mechanics, including Newton's laws of motion. This makes sense. Objects described by classical mechanics are formed of subatomic particles, so the behavior of particles and their laws should be the same as field laws.

Using the conservation of energy principle, the laws are indeed the same when considering the electron's wave properties. For details, refer to the paper at:

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This is alot of interesting information that I'm taking notes on.👍👍👍


I did the math, F=mc2re/r2 for the electron in the hydrogen atom is the same number that Coulomb law: 8x10^-8 N: Thank you so much for share.


Nice video. You are really good at this.


1. Jeff, what is for you a "magnetic field line"?
2. where does it come from?
3. what points in space does it connect?
4. why do ionized particles move along magnetic field lines?
5. where do those lines which do not return to the same magnet go?
6. what does it mean attractive?
7. what does it mean repulsive?
8. what happens with bismuth domains that they always create repulsive field?
9. how come that if I put unnmagnetized steel between like poles of magnets those 3 pieces will all attract?
10. does a permanet ferromagnet tap for energy into aether? (I mean if it will weaken after I use it for electricity induction and consumption)


My 4 year old asked me this same question, the most accurate and meaningful answer I could give him was, "Its real magic.... We think we know what it is but really we dont. No one fully understands how it actually works yet."


Please consider this:

Magnetism is the dielectric field and the second half of the conjugate field of the dielectric and magnetic, which respectively are
the geometries of the hyperboloid (dielectric) and the torus (magnetism). Nothing in the universe has mass or volume without
magnetism. The volume of every atom (which the ignorant teachers told you an atom is ‘empty space’) is due to
magneto-dielectricity since all atoms are dynamos generating energy of course, but also their volume which is due to magnetism
alone. Magnetism is the universes most fundamental force, literally force and motion; and is centrifugal in nature. Magnetism is the
dielectric field attributionally in that the loss of energy of the dielectric forms magnetism. Explaining how an electromagnet works is
extremely simple if one understands this conjugate relationship.
Logically so magnetism should be called dielectric-dissipation, such that analogously magnetism would be akin to water or ice, and
the dielectric akin to steam. Ice water and steam are all the same thing, but due to pressure and temperature, are conceptualized as
different entities; the same is true of magnetism in relation to the dielectric.
The attribute of magnetism such that it is force and motion itself, is the creation or wake of the divergent magnetic field that
manifests space and further therefore the measure of which is time. Space nor time are things themselves whatsoever, despite ignorant
humans endless attempts to reify these phantasms, they’re ultimately nothing more than what a shadow is, not a thing itself, but the
absence of a thing, and this absence is energy, or the dielectric.
The great secret of the loss of inertia/dielectric which is magnetism itself, is that this is the inverse mirage of energy, is absence.
Space and time are the mirage of power/inertia/dielectric found in the wake of a divergent magnetic toroidal centrifugal field.
Magnetism in short is energy as manifest, whereas the Ether is energy in potential, and the dielectric is energy in torsion. Magnetism
is literally that which gives shape to shapelessness and form to formlessness. This however is also that which the ancients deemed
evil, since with magnetism, is then posited the antinomies, space, time, suffering, change, flux and countless more things.
An enormous amount of nonsense exists in the minds of humans about magnetism and magnets such as “magnets attract (i.e.
‘magnetic attraction’)” which is an absurdity, or that “a magnet (is defined by or is) has poles” and that everyone on earth suffers the
mental defect to believe that a magnet is ‘juiced up with’ magnetism and or that a magnet is so defined in that it has (has only)
magnetism. All these beliefs are wrong or less than half the story. Most of what fascinates humans about magnets and therefore
magnetism is the fact that the field of influence is much so ab-extra to the physical magnet, and this invisible force (force is only
accurate and correct as applies to so-called magnetic repulsion) is mysterious and fascinating. However this field of force ab-extra to
the magnet is a property of the substrate of the Ether itself. A magnet is a multiplicative device and therefore has ab-extra phenomena
around it.
“In electric circuits containing energy stored in the magnetic and in the dielectric field, the change in the amount of stored
energy, …occurs by a series of changes from magnetic to dielectric and back again from dielectric to magnetic stored energy.” - C.P.
Steinmetz Electric discharges, waves and impulses
“The magnetic AND the dielectric field of the conductors are BOTH included in the term ELECTRIC FIELD and are the TWO
components of the electric field” - C.P. Steinmetz Electric discharges, waves and impulses
“Many textbooks speak of the electric charges on the conductor and the energy stored by them without considering that the dielectric
energy is not ON the surface of the conductor but in the space OUTIDE of the conductor, just as also is the magnetic energy” - C.P.
Steinmetz Electric discharges, waves and impulses
Like his (Edison) lamp, my induction motor may be discarded and forgotten in the continuous evolution of the (electric motor?)
arts, but my rotating field with its marvelous phenomena and manifestations of force (from magnetism) will last as long as science
itself” - Nikola Tesla Article: New York World Nov. 29, 1929, p. 10 col. 4-5. To the Editor of the World


Have you looked into using Weber’s force equation’s? They appear to show some very interesting behavior especially at subatomic distances.


This is all good, but I have yet to see a good explanation of the Lorentz force from wave theory. Please do a video on "the lorentz force". 😃


Your theory seems possible to be simulated in a computer model. I'd like to suggest that we create a computer simulation with billions of multiple spherical particles with random angular spin, random mass, random velocity and same density. Gravity and collision physics will be added then if your theory is correct, the large mass particles will jumble up to look like the anatomy of atoms.


Great video. Even at rest the coulomb force is active and it can do work say against another electron. Even you say "...energy is lost...". But from where is the energy coming from in order to do work? Distinti says it's consuming ether as its energy source. What say you? Thanks!


Dear Author, I enjoy Your presentations very much. But I wonder: 1. Why You are so focused on particles, as long as You present a WAVE theory? 2. Why do You, in Your 'wave' theory still claim that particles 'create' fields/waves? Isn't it necessary for a wave theory to claim that fields/waves are primary and matter is secondary, produced from the field? And, hence, matter must submit to field's laws, not vica versa. It seems that You are still enchanted by the 'classical' matter-centered physics. 3. Why do You neglect the CARRIER of all waves, that is ETHER? If You are able to physically see matter or its physical properties, it does not mean that matter is real and field/ether is not real, - just like Your ability to see coloured light and not see ultra-violet does not mean that the first is 'matter' and the second is 'illusory'. Although claiming to be a 'wave' theory, Your theory is, to a great extent, matter-centered. Particles, particles, particles... Particles 'creating' fields, waves and forces... But what if the FIELD is actually primary? and matter/particles are only degraded products, chips of the Field/Ether? but still subjected to the FIELD laws? Isn't that what a genuine Field theory is supposed to say? For example, in Djanibekov's effect: not just is the nut over-turning, but it changes its spin with each flip - that is, the spin of the rotation is kept by the ETHER, not by the material object, - and I wonder how You would explain that.


Magnetism is the effect of fluid dynamics.


it is still mmagic...pond life or a the later.
