Mind Blowing Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq

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Sheikh Uthman goes over 10 mind blowing miracles of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in this video.
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allhamdullilah for being muslim. May Allah preserve our deen and raise us in ranks. Ameen


This made me cry out of love for Prophet (PBUH)


These mind-blowing miracles are a true blessing from Allah azzawajal.
This is the way of Allah to guide the people of today's age and times and this shows the supreme wisdom of Allah azzawajal, meaning that Allah has different ways to guide people of different times.
I have full faith in Islam but the devil whispers into my heart and troubles me and wants me to doubt my religion.
But the shaytan can never hide the truth from anyone. Alhamdulillah.
The truth is there and everytime I am attacked by him, all these evidences, miracles and my Allah's help protect me again and again.
This has proved the existence of shaytan as well.
One thing I want to say,
The signs and the proofs that Allah provides make it impossible for me to doubt islam and make it possible for me to forever embrace islam.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.


اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى مُحَمَّد 🤲🏻


According to some legends, Cheraman Perumal ("Cheraman Perumal" being the title held by Chera kings) witnessed the splitting of the moon, a supernatural event mentioned in the Quran[12] as a miracle performed by Muhammad saw when asked for one by Meccan unbelievers. The bewildered King confirmed with his astrologers that the incident had taken place, but didn't know what to make of it. Arab merchants who had arrived at a Malabar port, a bustling global marketplace, sought audience with the King to have his permission to visit Ceylon. In conversation with them, the King learnt about Muhammad saw, made his son the regent of his kingdom and travelled back with the Arab merchants to meet the man himself.[citation needed]

The story goes that Cheraman Perumal arrived in Arabia with a gift of ginger pickles for Muhammad saw and his companions[13] and converted to Islam "at the feet of Prophet Muhammad saw".[14]


Ashhadu an lā ilāhā illaLLĀH, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasūluLLĀH


Many of the things spoken in the Quran have happened


Lecture of ilm need more views than debates


Quran 24:55 "Allah has promised the ones of you who have believed and done deeds of righteous-ness that indeed He will definitely make them successors in the earth, (even) as He made the ones who were before them successors, and that indeed He will definitely establish for them their religion that He is Divinely satisfied with (i.e., that He approves of) for them, and that indeed He will definitely give them in exchange, even after their fear, security. "They shall worship Me, not associating with Me anything." And whoever disbelieves after that, then those are they (who are) the immoral."

This sura was revealed when there were very few number of Muslims. But that generation of Muslims and their successors conquered almost the whole middle east. And Muslims are now everywhere in world.


Yes that king of india is near our place he is from kerela his companions build 1st masjid on kerala after the king visit of makkah


Assalamualaikum Shaikh. Jazaakallah khair for explaining the miracles. Let me include a very fascinating and inspiring story regarding the splitting of the moon reported from India. I am from Kerala, India and this story is well known amongst people from Kerala.

The splitting of the moon was witnessed by the South Indian King who ruled south India during that time namely King Cheraman Perumal. He couldn’t believe what he and his wife witnessed and he started inquiring about it. Then the news spread that a man named Mohammed from Arabia did this miracle. Later the spice traders from Arabia came to south India and the King learned more from them about this man called Mohammed. Then this King Cheraman Perumal travelled to Saudi Arabia to meet this man Mohammed SAWS, and he accepted Islam after meeting Rasool SAWS. He participated in Hajjatul wida and travelled back to India. He passed away near Salalah in Oman on the way back to India. His grave is still preserved in Salalah, Oman and it is called Cheraman Perumal’s Tomb and it is one of the tourist attractions in Oman.
Cheraman Perumal Masjid in Kodungalloor, Kerala, India can be googled and it is another example of Islam coming to Kerala during the time of Rasool SAWS.
Jazaakallah khair.


beautiful speech shik, jazak allah khair ❤


thanks for the video bro, Asalam aleikum.


Qur'an 111:1-3 “May Abu Lahab perish, and may his two hands be cut off. The wealth he accumulated to destroy Islam has not availed him or saved him from destruction; he will soon fall into the flaming fire of Hell."

This verse is one of the earliest ones revealed to Muhammad[PBUH]. It was revealed when Abu Lahab [An uncle of the prophet] declared his animosity and opposition to prophet Muhammad's message and as you can see, this verse specifically says that Abu Lahab will not come to Islam at any point of his life and this came true. He died a disbeliever at the Battle of Badr while many other fierce opponents of Islam like Omar and Abu Sufyan accepted Islam. PROPHECY FULFILLED


Brothers i beg of you please can someone tell me the name of the individual brother who was reciting bismillah at the beginning of this video


Can you make a video about prophecies that were fulfilled


not the battle of hodibeya, but the battel of Khandak third one, hodibeya is a treaty after intention of doing Omra. Khandak, is the barrier cleft digged by Sahaba to prevent 10000 from invading the madina >> name correction needed in video


Is this a proof of prophethood series?


14:07 can someone provide the link to the video?


As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu akhi! ALHAMDULILLAH!!! I LOVE your videos! Tell the people in the Bible where people are told to cook bread/food with dong (poop) Ezekiel 4:12-17. That’s complete rubbish!
