'F**k Ukraine' - Candace Owens Explains Why America Should Not Support Ukraine

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Patrick Bet-David and Candace Owens discuss U.S. involvement in international conflicts, specifically focusing on Ukraine. Candace Owens argues why America should reconsider its stance on global interventions.

▶ PBD Podcast | EP 304

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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As an Iraqi, this woman is speaking truth 💯, i can guarantee you that in Baghdad we don’t want LGBT or BLM or looting all over.. we live with values


Let's be honest.
Before the U.S started to help Ukraine, all these problems about poverty, crime, and people not able to buy groceries has been going on for decades.
And i'll bet you if this Ukraine war had never been started, the U.S gouvernement still would not spend all this money to help the American society.
Without the Ukraine war, the whole situation in the U.S would still be exactly the same.
So forget about the U.S gouvernement spending hundereds of billions to end poverty and homelessness in your own country.
It simply doesn't work that way.
All politicians that have the power to decide how to spend the American tax payers money, have other interests.
And helping the American poor population, is definately not one of them.


“We suffer from not being able to mind our business “🎯


I was raised on a very strict ideology of ‘take care of yourself then your own’. My father to this day lives by this and so do all my siblings. My mother disagrees with this which is why they split up but on good terms. Stop worrying about others it’s pointless


The president of Kenya in an interview with Amanpour repeatedly patiently tried to explain to her why, in Kenya, the topic of gay people was so irrelevant. The real problems were much more essential to daily living. She kept arguing about gay rights and he told her this was just not an important topic when people were suffering from real life problems.


64 % of Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck. Time to start taking care of this country first…


It's about how these criminals in the U.S. government can line their pockets!!! Plain and simple. Call them out and vote them out!!!


Love you Candace. We pray for you every day.


It’s funny when you owe the government $200 taxes and you don’t pay them, they come knock on your door. Yet, 6 billion dollars disappeared and can’t locate them 🤯🤯


It's rare that I listen to anyone talk for ten minutes straight and agree with everything they say. Candace nailed it!


I wish that more people listen to Candace Owens. She the best


In Australia we are in the exact same position. All our wages go towards rent, fuel and food. We are living week to week barely scraping by, while our government are only concerned about politically correct virtue signalling. We have tens of thousands of working Aussies living in cars and refugees living in paid hotels. Its ridiculous


I am so glad to hear Candace Owens say this. This is exactly how I feel. We should not be trying to run other countries. We can't even run our own country.


Candace you are a beast. I love how you think. I am a South-African and our government are exactly the same as the US. Always meddling with other countrie's affairs, being obtuse, condescending and speaking out of both sides of their mouthes.


One thousand percent 💯! USA stay out of anybodies business! Take care if your own matter and people. You have no business in Ukraine other then trying to dominate the world.


Round of applause to Candace O for speaking the truth F. Ukraine war focus at home.


She's spot on. I see the poverty of America first hand as a trucker. America gives out foreign aid in exchange to discover something. Nothing is for free. America will always discover "Special Interests" wherever the aid is going! We've destabilized almost every nation we said we helped.


How comes that this young lady has more geopolitical knowledge than 80% of the US lawmakers and more than 110% than the US Administration? It deserves the title :"MBO of Terra"! Sounds to good to be true! Is she a genuine American?


Thank you Candice for saying everything that brings sanity back. The U.S. needs to take care of its own issues first and I'm sick and tired of hearing all the chaos U.S. is getting itself into that doesn't benefit Americans. I'm frustrated to see our tax $ going to waste and the quality of life going down.


The best advice my grandpa ever gave "just because you can, doesnt always mean you should"
