5 Quick Automation Mixing Tricks - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro

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Automation is the secret to a truly great mix!

Simple volume automation of instruments can save the heartache of trying to replicate dynamics with complex compression techniques.

This video covers:
1. Volume Automate for Consistent Level
2. Make Choruses More Exciting with Automation
3. Automate Reverb Sends
4. Create Volume Swell Effects with Automation
5. Automating A Send to a Delay on Vocals

Automating plugins can give them multiple purposes adding both subtle ear candy and huge drama to your mixes!

Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.
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I absolutely love watching Warren do these things. You can see the pure joy, almost like a kid. He really does love his job.


Hi friends! Automation is such a huge subject. It covers SO MUCH! Volume, panning, Plug In Settings, Aux/Bus Sends, muting, the list is MASSIVE! Here is just 5 I love using to make my mixes feel more exciting! Often simple volume automation takes the place of excessive compression, therefore keeping the mix more open sounding! Let me know any tips you may have! Thanks for being an amazing part of our community!


I just love the look on your face when you're happy with some little move you've done,
despite the fact that you seem to almost know exactly what you're going to hear (being SO in your element),
you still look like a child on Christmas morning when you play it back.


I started out mixing on Neve's and similar big consoles, and automating sends meant multing to a spare track or sending busses to a spare track, and that was if you were lucky enough to have more than one Reverb unit. Most of the studios I worked at had about 5 or 6 Reverbs. Sounds like a lot, but you run out quick when you're in a creative zone, and good luck recalling all that stuff later.
Once I started mixing in Pro Tools around 1999, the first things I got into heavily was all the aux send automation. Great video for all the younger mix engineers to see, Warren. With all the tips you share, people can take their money and buy gear and get going now instead of doing what I and so many did which is spend money on recording school that really gets you nothing except maybe a network of fellow engineers which you can get other ways now. Thanks again for the videos.


Alvin stardust in the house, love you Warren, classic throwback today mate.


so well timed, need these tricks and...more, please warren...more! So many channels talk for ages about nothing and you give us tons of great info!


I wanted to ask... Are you acting as the producer here? These are great "producer ideas" vs engineering tricks. Then I looked at your Channel name... haha. I guess in today's world most of us gents have to wear so many hats: songwriter, musician, performer, recording engineer, and producer, then publicist and social media consultant! The list is ever growing, so thanks for the tips! Please keep them coming


This has been the most entertaining 5 tips video to watch so far, its great to see you have fun mixing. You truly are having a marvellous time!


That reverb move with the gutair was dope warren


Damm that reverb swell technique is so simple yet so cool. Thanks for the grate video!


I can't believe I'm learning all of these for free 🤯🤯


These are the best tips that I've found very useful so far, "Ear Candies" indeed. Thank You Warren! Cheers from India!


It's 3:15 am and I can't stop bingeing your vids haha who needs full sail when we got you xD


That was some truly inspiring mixing, Warren. I agree with you these ear candy moments are super important, especially in steady RMS rock songs. That thing you did with the big snare and muting the kick before the big come back was so cool!


I applause after that reverb end...you Sir are way too awesome to share this kinda tips.


You're obviously so right when you say it's a huge subject. My mixing game improved drastically when I started focusing most of my attention on automation. Thank you for doing this Warren it's priceless!


Thanks to you Warren, I'm not getting very much work done. Tisk! Tisk!


You're really leveling the playing field with these tips Warren. I hope people know and realize the knowledge you're bestowing! This advice is truly priceless! Good stuff as usual my friend!!👍


man, i love you!!!! your tips are the best and your enthusiasm is enlightening! THANKS A LOT WARREN!!!!


I loved automating the decay time on the snare hit. Sweet sweetener!
