Code Your Own Instagram Clone With Flutter and Feeds

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In this video, we will show you how you can easily create a clone of Instagram using Stream Feeds and Flutter.
We will, very creatively, call our Instagram clone Stream-agram. You’ll also learn a lot of Flutter concepts to improve animations, gestures, transitions, and state management.
0:00 Intro
4:29 App Dependencies
6:03 Stream Application Project Setup
10:27 Generate User Tokens
13:29 Flutter Folder Structure
14:56 Create App Demo Users
16:24 Barrel Files Information
17:30 Dark and Light Theme
18:53 Model Class - User
22:56 State Management - Provider
27:34 Initialization and Providers
31:17 Utilities and Extensions
32:45 Create the Login Screen
34:27 Create the Home Screen
35:48 Initialize App
36:44 PageView, PageController and BottomNavigationBar
38:54 Review Progress
39:31 Create the Avatar Widget
42:01 Create the Profile Page
43:46 Create “user” FlatFeedCore
45:37 CustomScrollView
47:33 Create the Edit Profile Screen
53:56 Create a Custom PageRouteBuilder
55:33 Provider Select Method
56:12 Image Picker Package
1:00:00 Tap Fade Icon Widget
1:01:00 Create the New Post Screen
1:05:03 Add Activity to “user” Feed
1:08:59 feedBuilder, Activities and Followers
1:11:19 Create Custom RectTween
1:12:44 Create Custom Page Transition
1:13:30 Create Picture Viewer
1:16:29 Hero Animation
1:18:31 InteractiveViewer Widget
1:19:03 Customize Hero Animation
1:19:36 Cached Network Image
1:21:19 Update AppBar Actions
1:23:01 Create the Search Page - Follow/Unfollow Feeds
1:29:13 Create the Favorite Icon Button Widget
1:30:20 Change To Light Theme
1:31:17 Create the Comment Box
1:31:57 Create the Timeline Page
1:38:29 EnrichmentFlags
1:41:13 Add Comment Reaction
1:45:02 Create an Explicit Animation
1:46:58 Performance Tip: Visibility vs Opacity
1:48:53 Explore Post Card Widget
1:50:10 Manage Like Reaction State
1:52:07 Explore Post Card - continue
1:53:51 Comment Screen and Comment State
1:57:46 ReactionListCore
1:59:01 Add Child Reactions (Comments and Likes)
2:02:06 Follow Own “user” Feed
2:04:12 Use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin to Cache Pages
2:05:46 Conclusion
We will, very creatively, call our Instagram clone Stream-agram. You’ll also learn a lot of Flutter concepts to improve animations, gestures, transitions, and state management.
0:00 Intro
4:29 App Dependencies
6:03 Stream Application Project Setup
10:27 Generate User Tokens
13:29 Flutter Folder Structure
14:56 Create App Demo Users
16:24 Barrel Files Information
17:30 Dark and Light Theme
18:53 Model Class - User
22:56 State Management - Provider
27:34 Initialization and Providers
31:17 Utilities and Extensions
32:45 Create the Login Screen
34:27 Create the Home Screen
35:48 Initialize App
36:44 PageView, PageController and BottomNavigationBar
38:54 Review Progress
39:31 Create the Avatar Widget
42:01 Create the Profile Page
43:46 Create “user” FlatFeedCore
45:37 CustomScrollView
47:33 Create the Edit Profile Screen
53:56 Create a Custom PageRouteBuilder
55:33 Provider Select Method
56:12 Image Picker Package
1:00:00 Tap Fade Icon Widget
1:01:00 Create the New Post Screen
1:05:03 Add Activity to “user” Feed
1:08:59 feedBuilder, Activities and Followers
1:11:19 Create Custom RectTween
1:12:44 Create Custom Page Transition
1:13:30 Create Picture Viewer
1:16:29 Hero Animation
1:18:31 InteractiveViewer Widget
1:19:03 Customize Hero Animation
1:19:36 Cached Network Image
1:21:19 Update AppBar Actions
1:23:01 Create the Search Page - Follow/Unfollow Feeds
1:29:13 Create the Favorite Icon Button Widget
1:30:20 Change To Light Theme
1:31:17 Create the Comment Box
1:31:57 Create the Timeline Page
1:38:29 EnrichmentFlags
1:41:13 Add Comment Reaction
1:45:02 Create an Explicit Animation
1:46:58 Performance Tip: Visibility vs Opacity
1:48:53 Explore Post Card Widget
1:50:10 Manage Like Reaction State
1:52:07 Explore Post Card - continue
1:53:51 Comment Screen and Comment State
1:57:46 ReactionListCore
1:59:01 Add Child Reactions (Comments and Likes)
2:02:06 Follow Own “user” Feed
2:04:12 Use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin to Cache Pages
2:05:46 Conclusion