The truth about FRENCH people | Belgium/France Stereotypes Explained

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The truth about FRENCH people | French Stereotypes Explained | Belgium/France culture, language, etc.

French people are amazing. French culture is amazing. Some differences between the United States of America and France and Belgium (French culture, lifestyle, language, etc). Living in France vs USA. Living in France vs Belgium. Living in Belgium vs France.

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As a Belgian, I adore France! i adore the French food. I love the teasing between the French and Belgians. It's our big sistaaa.


I have a couple friends from france, and they are so expressive! I love them.


My experience with French people is people outside of Paris are wonderful. Even the French say Parisians are more snobbish, but you can still meet some nice people in Paris too. Also in America, saying hi or how are you to a stranger on the street is considered odd. Less so if you're in a shop or business.


Your second favorite dish... isnt it Tartiflette? Potatoes, bacon, and you melt a reblochon fermier on top in an oven ^^ I love how he just do not want to admit that what he like in Namur (apart people, Belgian people are great!) are BEERs! Belgian beers are famous! Regards from France


I believe it is so important to really try to understand a culture. Like you said, Zoe realized the stereotype of rudeness wasn’t true and actually the people were helpful! Wonderful experience.
Check out this culture channel, it’s tackling exactly this issue and trying to help really see people from various cultures:


I speak french and I had trouble understanding he meant "J'essaye" too. Seems that particular phrase is a problem for him. Also I don't know why that doesn't have an é at the start.


funny, did you also learn there isnt any french fries in Europe


It’s weird to say how are you to a person? I find that weird how are you is not weird or strange to ask someone how are they doing
